the (war)craft

Rise up, join the Molten Core Raider’s Union

Come to Old Blanchy

We have no queues

That’s it

It’ll probably end up being bad in the long run otherwise

This is an honest question: After the social distruction that WoW caused from 2004-2009 why would you ever go back to it?

why not?

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Rhonda Rousey is cosplaying in a WoW ad which was in my FB feed

Actually, having played it for a couple hours yesterday, my primary thought was: oh, compared to truly evil mobile games which comprise the whole market, this game is downright ethical. Perspective is everything


got stuck between two objects as a ghost on the vanilla WoW private server I was playing on and afaik there is no way to reset so I guess my journey ends here for now?


this is what server mods used to be for, idk what it’s like in this insane period

Reroll on my server and play w/ meeee


you clearly have been prosecuted to the full extent of the jam

yep, got owned by my foolish desire to play a 6GB client that runs without spinning up my laptop fans instead of the 70GB client that would chug and I am unlikely to ever have the storage for

anyway I deleted it now and will be returning to my survey of the playstation RPG library, see you in another 15 years gaming on computers


how’s this going?

the classic client is actually 6GB as well, but fair on the other thing

kinda think it’s bullshit that Classic only has the modern renderer

my friend said wow classic is like a xavier renegade angel mmo, or like a surreal playstation home with mmo mechanics

i’m playing on an RP server and my name is adamsessler so i feel really guilty when i meet a roleplayer with a normal orc name who doesn’t act 100% cringe and nerdy

david lynch said the low fidelity of digital video leaves room to dream. yea its all there but there’s something lost, but you want to lose it. if it was there i would rather go outside


since wow classic came out I have only slept, eaten, and played wow. i’ve cut back on the first two for the last one. I set an alarm to wake up after a few hours of sleep so I can get in the 5-8 hour queue for my server, then I go back to bed. I wake up and take a shower and eat food and the queue is timed to end when I’m about done. then I play until I die irl. you really only get a few chances in life to do something this stupid, it’s great.

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my wow classic experience has been havily influenced by two very poor decisions:

  1. I rolled a druid
  2. I specced resto

I can’t fucking kill shit and I’m having fun not bulldozing through content

if you’re druid you’ll be the only class with swimming powers and you can panther sneak into high-level zones

World of Warcraft was the first solo MMO so why not play the class that does it all?

because I do it all poorly


ah, true enlightenment with nature