The threeds is 10 years old.

I brought my 3ds with me to Europe so this bump was also fortunate.

I gave 4 Heroes of Light another go and it still felt very limp. My playthrough is not very far in, starting in the desert and finished the boss of the area off after trying to remember what to do. For my efforts I get two hats and then very quickly shunted to another character who’s a refugee in some port city. Said character cannot fight well on their own and apparently I needed to move the plot forward, some more poking around in the city, for the second character to get out of bed.

And then Heroes of Mana because maaaaybe this time I can get through the endless tutorializing of a real time strategy game. I did, for one stage. I like to have mechanics I can sink my teeth in before I start caring about the story going on in the background; this was going for the other way around. I had also forgotten there’s an evaluation for how well I did with item incentives. I do have the strat guide somewhere back home which might help bludgeon my way through if I feel the need.

My return plane ride is probably going to be focused on Rune Factory 4, which had been stuck on waiting for the random event to start the end third of the game.