The Simple and Clean Kingdom Hearts Thread

Turns out that is James Woods. Pretty much the casts between the movies and games are identical outside of Pixar’s biggest stars. Instead of Tom Hanks you get Tom Hanks brother that looks and sounds identical.

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james woods doing a james woods soundalike


It took 20 years but finally Oriental Land Company recognized the existence of Kingdom Hearts.

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Be… reminded.

30 smackers, now with extra fantasy.






For the anecdote, whoever implied I wasn’t gonna manage to play through the whole collection in one go earlier this year was completely right. And people in the know probably won’t be surprised if I say Re:Coded was the source of the deathblow. Like, holy moly that’s bad. I’ve got some notes, too, I’ll try to write about that first part of the journey after I’m done with Deaht Stranding, and maybe even start KH3D.

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God, even as a movie, Re:Coded is some boring bullshit. It also has like NO BEARING AT ALL on the plot of KH3 except like one random line about the existence of Data Sora, who is a different Sora that only exists in Re:Coded.

I still gotta play Birth by Sleep and Dream Drop Distance, but I needed a break after 3.

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all re:coded does is explain what’s written in the letter at the end of kh2, which you can fuckin look up earlier

Actually it does a lot more (and none of it’s important but that’s what’s important. And terrible). But I’ll expand on this whenever I’m done delivering pizzas at the end of the world, which should be soon enough.

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The DLC is out now and apparently the secret boss for it is something bonkers? Don’t want to look it up so someone else corroborate this bonkedness.

Man, I will have to find out. I know the two new keyblades you can get even without the DLC have some ridiculous requirements (get all the mickey logos and beat the game on the ridiculous hardest mode).

Planning on getting this DLC next week, so there is that. It will probably take me awhile to get through because there is no way I am playing this in front of the kid and trying to explain all of Kingdom Hearts to him. That is for when he is a little older.

Also lol:

I got too curious and spoiled myself on it. A little sad that I will now never have my eye balls actually roll out of my skull as they widen to dinner plate size but still probably worth it.

I have played the DLC!!!

It was absolutely not worth 23 dollars.

Nothing happens except at the end which is described as cryptic bullshit. I thought the bat crazy thing was a different thing but this thread is making it sound like everyone lost their minds at the secret boss fight? Which dawg I looked that shit up on youtube.

I am not ready to start FF7R so I am running around getting that plat (awooo.) kingdom hearts 3 is such a big stupid game and kind of like making a focus on the billion different things they put in it for no reason.

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Forgot the demo for the rhythm game had come out. I just ran through it. It’s by indieszero!! That’s great.

The KH music is just not that interesting to play a rhythm game to. And I am old. The demo will almost definitely be enough for most of you.

You know there is trouble when the menu music is Traverse Town.

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This is the most baffling thing. Are the pop songs at least in it as headlining?

Shimomura’s scores are the least memorable of any Square composer-collaborator I can name - the FFXV battle theme was a precipitous drop in catchiness from “Blinded by Light,” Skyrim plagiarism aside

I could see with Melody of Memory if they’d done original pop songs for different characters but no one is humming a Kingdom Hearts tune that isn’t Utada Hikaru, “Dearly Beloved,” or an infernal four bar loop of Disney music.

None of the pop songs in the demo or uhh anything disney. Just some vague I kind of recognize this song considering I’ve played every game in the series.

Personal take: The only Shimomura songs I like are from street fighter. Her RPG work has never registered. And then I look up the composer for this 40 hour game I’ve played and can’t remember a song by and there she is.

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