The Simple and Clean Kingdom Hearts Thread

Spent two hours just now playing Kingdom Hearts 3 (shoutout to @doolittle for giving me his copy) and for someone whose only points of reference for Kingdom Hearts all these years were Tim’s original article and that time MC Chris ranted about Kingdom Hearts 2 on stage I… kind of like this game.

The field of view was making me a little nauseous at first but got a lot better once I started sitting closer. I watched the memory archive thing and wound up feeling like I dodged a couple bullets not playing the series up to now because condensing a this huge rpg story down into a few series of 5 minute synopses kind of lays bare how utterly nonsense it all is.

I can’t hate this though because it’s so bright and earnest and colorful, and ultimately it’s all about friendship and looking out for each other while staying positive and stuff. Those are good themes to put in your game aimed at children.

Also in addition to this being the first game in the series I’ve played I’ve also seen only maybe half of the movies that are featured so I’m going in like double blind. I’m still in the first world, Olympus, and I’m like yeah this is that Hercules movie did that have James Wood voicing Hades? This voice actor sounds like he’s doing a really good impression of James Woods what the hell was James Woods doing in a children’s movie? Maybe I should watch it while it’s still on Netflix!

I turned the battle mode to Wait so everything would slow down while I’m selecting commands because seeing it in FFVII Remake got me hype. Playing this feels like I’m running my hands over a perfectly smooth greased up orb or something it is just very pleasant and responsive. Looking forward to Toy Story world and flying around in the Gummi Ship.