The News Grandmaster 4000

lol I didnā€™t know that. Itā€™s not like I did any research on them obviously, that was just the vibe from the trailer. Although you do play as a cop, donā€™t you, so who knows they might be fascists

this was my first assumption tbh

Iā€™m really hoping that you play as a cop but the overarching narrative involves uncovering extensive police corruption or something???

is that too much to hope for from a game where you are also a cat

I should really give R6 Siege one more try, at least this week.


they might be fascists

i hate that band


this machine might be fascists


SU&SD have been pretty craven lately about trying to gin up sales for friendsā€™ products (which is effectively all of the good board games since they established themselves as the polished, progressive review site) when they like them at all but Iā€™m still semi-seriously considering picking up a copy of this for Branson


Looks dope, would play.

To the two or three of us who have a Mega Sg - jailbreak is out, with Genesis/Mega Drive, Master System, Game Gear, SG-1000, and, uh, Coleco support.

Remember when they said they wouldnā€™t review kickstarter games?

Anyway this looks like every overcomplicated mafia clone so I donā€™t get it.

itā€™s not the kickstarter thing I feel one way or the other about (perhaps people who are closer to the economies of game production feel differently about that, idk, but I wouldnā€™t really hold a change in policy there against them), but to be honest SU&SD increasingly make me think of, like ā€¦ all the poor naive dummies who originally thought that gators were acting in good faith when they appeared to be criticizing the insularity of the industry.

because, like, SU&SD are unquestionably like the board games intelligentsia at this point, and by virtue of being so outwardly progressive (I remember they were getting DDOSed by reactionaries at one point for something Matt Lees wrote somewhere and they just paid more for DNS and soldiered on, which was very admirable) and having such decent production values they, as near as I can tell, have come to be on friendly terms with pretty much everyone in the industry. and when they like something, they really, really, really like it, and they praise it to the nines, and by virtue of being a glossy youtube channel they come awfully close to just coming across like a sales pitch. I wish they were more embarrassed about that, I think? but I also think that most of the creators they wind up endorsing have probably been vetted and are as deserving as you or I might want; if only they didnā€™t always seem to make up their minds about the endorsement before they set about reviewing the game.

itā€™s a funny arms length for me to hold them at because I have very similar tastes to them, including a bias in favour of social/deduction stuff (though I think the overcomplicated meta of everyone needing to know the different roles for the game to really shine is a big problem for mafia clones and this one seems to have embraced that rather than address it), I obviously share their politics in principle, I appreciate that they originally approached board game reviews from the perspective of valuing their own time and werenā€™t afraid to be somewhat biased, and I too am a blandly straight guy who can be overly enthusiastic about things I like. I think my saving grace is that Iā€™m really very turned off by positivity.


I think itā€™s also probably somewhat endemic to the format as the handful of timā€™s kotaku videos Iā€™ve watched also come way closer to ā€œyou are selling this to meā€ than Iā€™m comfortable with, and I donā€™t really keep up with any other video reviewers or youtubers; SU&SD occupy a unique role for me in bringing this perspective and happening to do it as video rather than as text.

just because itā€™s basically Good where so much else isnā€™t doesnā€™t mean itā€™s not stifling

Hugo Awards were announced, including a nomination for the fanfic site Archive Of Our Own (AO3). The entire site.

Still a bit bitter that the IGF never nominated the Pirate Kart in 2012, the cowards.

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Wake me up when they nominate the Tenchi Muyo Fan Fiction Archive (TMFFA)


Only 90s Kids Remember when erotic fanfics were called Lemons


Wait what are they called now

I feel like ā€œslashficā€ has sort of just become the catch-all term, now? Maybe someone will correct me.

I think slash typically connotes gay pairings but that meaning has dropped away a bit.

also ones that were only slightly dirty were limefics

also, the ā€œlemonā€ name is a reference to the 80s hentai series cream lemon, which is well known for having a few sci-fi episodes with cool designs and animation!