The News Grandmaster 4000

So does anybody know how much worse Omega Labyrinth actually is then the rest of the Vita anime tiddy games that were getting released seemingly with no problems?

Seems to have really crossed some lines though

I guess it does settle the argument though that publishers really do sometimes censor these sorts of titles for very good reason.

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The hot-spring mini-game allows the player to fondle the girls’ breasts. There is no other interaction in these scenes.

not much of value lost there

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I’d actually be surprised if it’s much “worse” than many of its contemporaries. My suspicion is that they just managed to trip some individual reviewer’s red flags, and Sony decided they didn’t want to allow the release of a game on their platform that was blocked by multiple review boards for Sex Reasons. More of an “unlucky strike” than any actual judgment on this particular game’s content.

But I don’t actually know anything about the content of the game other than that it is another proud member of the “Vita Dungeon Crawler That Sucks, But Has Anime Tiddays” subgenre


Wanting money and not wanting bad publicity?

I was more thinking: Having game be released at all.

Reason I bring it up is just because of several discussions I’ve seen over some game having any changes at all made to it when localised. It’s frequently argued then that all the changes are completely unnecessary to appease the standards of today’s rating boards and console manufacturers (“just look at Senran Kagura!”) and they are done purely on the whim of some overzealous, puritanical translator (also female).
This just completely settles that for those people at least.

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those people are idiots

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Of course! Hopefully nobody has to ever hear from them again now.

tbh makes me want to buy it purely out of spite

I’m weird like that I guess


i would love to live in this timeline


also hope i can turn off the vocals in the songs plz
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Isn’t that Nick Robinson? the guy who got fired from polygon for being a sexcreep?

Yes, it is. I don’t blame anyone for not knowing him, but please don’t share his videos here.


Konami is weird these days (don’t miss the stinger at the end)

Kind of strange to highlight David Hayter but then have Quinton Flynn be nowhere for voiceless Raiden

…ok, probably not actually

Konami lowered their number of new console game projects so all the money is going into Bomberman updates instead.


This just in: the Steam Link is hot garbage

oh no i spent $10 on one of these



Maybe my bad experience with it was due to both having a bad computer and not being able to hook the Link up via ethernet cable, but I feel like a lot of what I didn’t like about it was unrelated to speed and performance.

For one, I had gone into this thing thinking that it would treat the TV as a separate monitor. It doesn’t. It literally just runs Big Picture mode your primary monitor and then mirrors it on your TV, so if you were expecting it to free up a screen while you game, I have bad news.

Another problem is that I feel like only being able to navigate Big Picture mode with the analog stick is a huge oversight. The d-pad does nothing in the menus.

Edit: Oh also, any input devices you want to use have to be plugged into the steam link itself, you can’t just use the ones attached to your computer, even though it’s just running it on your main screen and then dittoing it to another screen.

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I generally was OK with the Wii U experience so I was hoping to use Steam Link in the same way. I don’t think any of these are showstoppers in that context. I tried with my phone but all the text and HUDs are too tiny there. If Apple just finally approves the app for iOS I’ll probably get a gamevice for iPad and see if that finally achieves household streaming nirvana…