The Habit, or, There and Back(log) Again

Everyone should have their own backlog thread, besides this is just me being incredibly self-indulgent and the good folk of Select Button humoring me


At least I’m not alone


My friends, a momentous occasion: The number of my games to play in Steam is under 200 for the first time in many years.

Will I play all of these games? No, unless I become a millionaire recluse. But the progress feels real.


Forgive me backlog, for I have sinned:

I bought some Fanatical bundles because I couldn’t help myself. I’m backslidin’ into temptation

A few of them are mere curiosities, though, and maybe I won’t do more than just sample them anyway.

Play them all >_>

I mean I didn’t even pick up the current big one so someone has to.

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A weird note, as I focus particularly on Steam, lately: A lot of the games in my backlog have this on their store pages

Notice: At the request of the publisher, Betrayer is no longer available for sale on Steam.


You know when I was a little kid sometimes my parents would buy yogurt, the kind that had a blob of fruit/preserves at the bottom of the little cup, and a big layer of plain yogurt on top. Of course, you were meant to mix these bits up into a delicious yogurt/fruit blend.

But I thought surely eating the fruit by itself would be a sweet reward after scarfing down a bunch of plain yogurt. And I think I was right, tbh. So that’s what I did. (nowadays I feel like I hardly see yogurt sold this way, damn lazy Americans can’t even stir their yogurt!)

Anyway, that’s a lot of what I’m doing with my backlog. I’m eating the plain yogurt first, and saving the tasty black cherries/etc for last.



Previous post was “shot”

Here is “chaser”


$1 for a 1-month Xbox Gamepass sub means I’ve added, oh, 85 games to my backlog.

I’m gonna have to prune that list down.

Edit: The good news is that I’m able to play basically half my Steam wishlist at greatly reduced cost, even if I wind up needing a second month at full price. And the Game Pass launcher experience seems greatly improved since I last was subscribed.

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Another way of thinking this I recently thought about is it is a backlog, and in playing each game to make the number go down, you are working towards a goal. What then when you reach your goal?

(Look I am gonna finish Alundra even if it is taking like 40 hours.)


Have you been thinking this way now that there are no more 32X games to play?


Latest Oath GIFs | Gfycat


There’s no way to know what kind of arbitrary definition of good works St. Peter might be applying at the gates of heaven. It could be a high threshold of Xbox gamer score or of number of 32x games completed. Maybe that only winds up counting like 50 people total among God’s elect, but His ways are mysterious.

That’s something I think about a lot whenever I pursue an extremely idiosyncratic personal goal.


Epic games has unwittingly been doing me and my backlog a solid for a while because they haven’t offered a freebie in like two months that I’m interested in or don’t already have.


I got Game Pass till mid September, PS+ Essential until November, and the MiSTeR. I think I can trick myself into not buying any more games this year. Actually focus on what I have and what I want to play.

Which at the moment is:

Lost Judgement
Dark Souls 2 (if grandpa goes back to it)
Densha De Go!
New Myst
Chrono Cross
Super Peach Adventure
Whatever each month’s Game Boy Games are
G1 Pokemon in Japanese till the first Gym.


My wife, giggling from another room, sent me this on Instagram and dragged me straight to hell


I added a bunch of games to my shopping cart on the PlayStation Store because of their ongoing sale. But then I deleted them all and walked away.

So that feels pretty good.


My backlog has remained fairly stagnant in terms of the overall number of games. I’ve eliminated some from consideration, played others to completion or at least satiation, and then I’ve added a few here and there.

I’m about to have a baby so I have a feeling that’s going to result in a lot less time to play and a lot less budget to spend, so I guess the number will stay the same for a long while or I’m going to get truly ruthless about scratching games off the list outright. Time will tell.


What’s your maternity leave look like?

For me I watched a lot of warmovis while holding a sleeping baby. Then if they were in their crib I played Destiny 2 and Slay The Spire because they were a smooth balm and didn’t require much of me and i could walk away at any time.

Now almost 3 years into the dad process like all parents have given up on new things (not getting a ps5 maybe helped, but also have a laptop that can play all things.) maybe the industry is changing as well. My brain feels better because I just do not care. I can more comfortably just drop and walk away from a game (Crystalis). My free time is a bit more than other full time parents but still so limited I don’t want to waste it on something I don’t like (The Good Life.)