the depths of eg-lana

I’d say it’s completely healthy to dive in, become obsessed for a week or two as you tentatively probe zones you feel outmatched in, then break away after reaching just past the illusion world. You can start getting hints then but I think you’ll have had a strong experience just walking away at that point.

the original is utterly great, there’s nothing like it, the level of craft and sheer physical depth in there is amazing

there are like 1-5 totally unfair puzzles which you’ll probably want to look up depending on taste beginning at the 1/3 mark but it’s deeply worth it however you decide to handle it. the remake also goes a long way to making the game not feel totally cruel and impenetrable, if you originally played the 8-bit version.

anyway I split a vacation day across part of yesterday and today because it’s a slow time of year anyway and I’ve made an embarrassing amount of headway in this so far, though I am now at the “I’m sure things are really going to open up once I find the next boss!” level of stuck with the third that I was with the second


Is there a way to play the remake with the old art, or at least the old music? I dislike the remix for the opening area a lot; it doesn’t have nearly the same punchiness.

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The remake has it set up so that you can easily add in different music and art folders! You can prolly find the original stuff in a way that’s isable for the remake with a quick search

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this room is such a beautifully cruel joke it’s amazing

proposal to start using the descriptor “bullshitvania”

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The music in this game is excellent. Better than the first, even.

The Roots of Yggdrasil theme just bangs

The ur-bullshitvania is Jinsei Owata no Daibouken, a Flash game from 2007 that was all the rage on 2ch:

The game was iterated on for years and became larger and larger from its one-screen joke beginning. For example, there is an IWBTG area in this late version, but what happened is that IWBTG was actually inspired by Jinsei Owata, and then stuff from it was in turn incorporated into the original.


Interesting. What zone is this in?

the same one as the merchant I posted a screenshot of above

also the third boss is completely hilarious, some “the real la-mulana starts here” shit

it was actually a lot easier to reach than I thought though, I did a lot of extracurriculars before finding it

but of course I’m still nowhere closer to #4 that I can tell

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Wait, you mean Vritra? I beat that one but I don’t remember having to do this. Where was this?

the screen before the ankh

I must’ve dumbassed the solution

I’ve been playing this (on the MegaView @ 480x270 + analog stretching) and it is just wreckin’ me.

oh. I just took the Castlevania stairs

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Update: the fourth boss is even moreso

Got the chain whip!

this game is good

think I might be Actually Stuck. Have two places I can still check but it’s gonna be a hard scour.

I bet it’s more than two

I went way off the beaten path trying to find the third and fourth bosses (though a bunch of the stuff I did before #3 did wind up being necessary for #4) and that was like hours and dozens of rooms in every area, I have 224 health and a bunch of key items and can warp to at least three places I’m nowhere near solving, it rules.

one of my favourite parts of this game is how almost none of the keys you acquire and expect to lead to breakthroughs just work – the dash boots are a really funny example of this, two of the three times I’ve used them I’ve gotten killed by the puzzle I expected them to solve before adding another variation to the solution, and the third time I just found a way around the problem anyway.

guys I adore this game and I really need to stop fucking off work this week

I want to say the pacing is better and fairer than the first one if that was your problem with it, I haven’t had a single roadblock that wasn’t (enthusiastically) fixable through context clues and I always make tons of tertiary progress whenever I’m confused

i’ve just skimmed this thread because i only got to start playing today but i am hype !!!

i can understand the opening being offputting and it’s the kind of thing i’d balk at in a lot of other games but la-mulana 1 is like so unprecedentedly focused on developing a brutally intimate familiarity with its architecture and lore that i actually think the opening 20 minutes or whatever of 2 are even sort of interesting

and yeah everyone should play og la-mulana and ignore the impression that it’s an unfairly hard memegame, it’s staggering and pretty much an essential artwork for anyone with a high level of vidcon literacy imo