
“cheese tea”!

What makes it worse is that a lot of advertisements show wheels of cheese as if the cream were made from grated, aged cheddar. This is, thankfully, not the case.

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What I don’t get about the cheese tea exp is that the straw goes all the way to the bottom. So your mostly just drinking tea, then a huge wedge of cream at the end. Am I doing it wrong?

Also saw this earlier today coincidentally



Yeah…you kind of are doing it wrong. You’re meant to sip it like a macchiato (coincidentally, macchiato tea is another way I’ve seen this trend translated). I realized this when I got HeyTea. They give you a special lid that you can reseal. There are still moments when the ratio is completely off though.

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you gotta slide that straw you may be rich you may be poor you gotta move drinks are a spectrum a gradient


Gotta check this guy out.

i started cold brewing my oolong and green tea (7 hours for green, 10 hours for oolong) and now im getting the nostalgic tastes from all the free tea i got in japants

i also picked up three different kinds of roobios because its my new tea obsession… theres a whole wall of cheap bulk tea at the spice shop i go to. every time i go i get something different so i guess i could post here when i try a new tea!!

the ritual of making small pots of tea is one of the most calming things, also drinkiing out of tiny teacups makes me feel large and powerful

oo i also like cheese tea


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currently cold brewing a huckleberry black and weird pineapple roobios that i wouldnt have got myself because it reminds me of those teavana TOO MANY INGREDIENT teas that just end up tasting like flower puke

but it smells like roobios and pineapple so hopefully it turns out well


teavana died too soon :frowning:

i loved getting the rooibos free samples

Teavana may have been my single least favourite part of Boston hipsterdom c.2008

all that fucking glassware and rooibos shit

Teavana’s a nationwide phenomenon, my Florida mom loves that shit.

yeah teavana is still around its just owned by starbucks now

they had a fruity bullshit tea that i dealt with because it was the prettiest fuschia. id always pour in front of the window so the sun would brighten the pink even more

teavana as a storefront location where someone yelled at you to try a sample of their latest orange pekoe strawberry pie w/ a dollop of creme de cassis is gone from the earth because starbucks aggressively expanded the motherfucker beyond all reason (while phasing out teas for more variations on orange pekoe strawberry pie w/ a dollop of creme de cassis?) until their bubble burst

starbucks still sells a limited number of teavana branded products

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the pineapple roobios tastes like fucking banana candy im baffled
i dont hate it but it tastes like circus peanuts and lavender, which is a novel taste that i wont wanna brew again

the huckleberry tea was huckleberry black iced tea. it tastes like huckleberries

Houjichya for lyfe


Also, if you are ever in Japan: Go to the traditional Japanese restaurant in Narita Airport and ask if they still have Ni Jyu Ichi Chya.

Its the best shit on the planet. Its like the best Houjichya ever times 4. If you ever found some of that good Houjichya, which is sweet and smooth: its like that, but better.

Its 21 ingredients for beauty. Special order from Kyoto. I asked and bought a whole bag of it one time, from the restaurant (they were so nice). It comes in these super nice, custom foil tube bag things. Musta been like 1/4lb or something. It was pretty big.



This stuff is really delicious and super relaxing for me.

However, slightly annoying because the delicious vanilla/caramel flavor it has, is not natural. Its from added vanilla and almond flavoring.