speedrun thread


can anybody stop you at this point


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i think i’ll run KF3J a bit more (KF2 in the US). that 51:44 is exceptional but i know i can do a bit better.

i’ve lost so many runs to bad luck/bizarre stuff in this game

2 lost to death by slime (didn’t even know this was possible)
2 lost to game freeze
1 lost to power outage

and 2 runs lost in the last ~5 minutes to greed - unfortunately there’s not really any way to get around this. you’ve got to risk the entire run at the end to meaningfully improve the current WR

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okay this is gonna be weird maybe… i hope not
i was watching a playlist of your kings field runs to fall asleep to, they’re relaxing

last night i got woke up by someone knocking like pokey (straight up doing annoying knock.mp4) on your window and you told them to go to the door?

was that a dream?


that was definitely real - someone was knocking on my window and i yelled for my brother to go get the door. lol i didn’t realize that was in one of the record runs!

i’m SO glad you are able to use my runs to fall asleep. one of my goals is to contribute a little bit of my vibe to “gamer culture”. i re-dedicated myself to this goal after @parker told me that hearing my voice in the other room gabbing about some dumbass video game was relaxing at sbcon2 and helped them sleep


yeah your voice is great and the soundtrack is super chill. even when im conscious i like to watch non obnoxious runners, but they’re so rare!

your contribution to gamer culture is appreciated

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You haven’t had the SB Con ASMR experience until @meauxdal basically tucks you in, like I was when I wasn’t sleeping in the Yurt


Can’t believe I’m not getting any credit for loudly quoting the entirety of Full Throttle from 2 to 5am


i actually fell asleep during that wolfenstein stream i popped in on so i guess you’re relaxing too

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I think it was the gentle rhythm of me playing the same section 38 times

I’m no speedrunner though. @meauxdal is monarch

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Cuba’s Roy Conrad wound me down in my rocking chair for something like 40 minutes

highly recommended

then we greeted the sun with Oikospiel

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I was very glad to see that because I don’t have the patience to play through those games, but I will apparently jetlag stay up all night watching someone else do it.

And yeah, early morning insomnia Oikospiel was quite the jam.

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I did fall asleep to you playing full throttle actually


alright. tonight i’m running a new, dangerously irresponsible route which makes the possibility of sub-50 extremely real. if i get this, i’m fucking done with this goddamn category (unless of course someone beats me or a new route is found, lol)

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