Sonic Frontiers Thread (Hérissons Sans Frontières) [Sonic 06: The Trailer: The Game: Of The Wild]


Yes I am into that.

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Running up giant enemies is common in other Sonic media but rarely executed in the games. I think the last time they tried was 06 but the tech is obviously there now

No bottomless pits yet!


Huh! The rapidfire punch-kick move looks really satisfying. Love seeing the NiGHTS paraloop move in there too. Could this game actually… feel good to play?


Every Sonic Team game feels good once you commit the levels to memory. I’m only half-joking.


wow what a boring breath of the wild clone :confused:


3d sonic was a mistake

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why are the seagulls faster than him


real sonic in unreal engine 4k sega hire this man vibes


Insert Credit 2005 Thread: Is Sonic Frontiers a lonely game?


That was unexpectedly boring. The whole realistic forest with overgrown ruins and minimal piano aesthetic is played out, and it’s a weird fit for Sonic. But then again, that aesthetic clash does sort of remind me of Mystic Ruins in Sonic Adventure. I guess there’s sort of a charm to a Sonic game trying to evoke futuristic pop aesthetics by exquisitely modeling a realistic forest for no reason. At one point in that footage, Sonic briefly flung himself over the treetops and that gave me some light frisson, like, hey, this is pretty, I’m feeling some kind of blue skies freedom. The generic ruins criss-crossed by purple floors and grinding rails kind of take away from the aesthetic though, and frankly they look like they’d be a pain in the ass to navigate.

I’m also getting some Kankyō Ongaku vibes from the whole presentation… If they went all-out on that very specific aesthetic then I would be IN. Like, after this he goes to an exquisitely modeled tide pool zone where he’s pushing multicolored pebbles around with his feet and we’re hearing gamelon bells. Too bad there’s NO WAY they do anything that cool.

The random busy work puzzles look like they took the exact wrong lessons from Breath of the Wild. But maybe this is just a starting area.

It needs an Orca!


i feel like it’s a Very Sonic thing to release an open-world, halfway-decent looking Sonic game right around the time i’ve become incredibly bored with most open-world games


i feel like this really applies to the Gen/MD ones, a lot. like i love those games and they never really felt all that hard to me, but some people (mostly, i’ve noticed, those who didn’t grow up on the games) really seem to struggle with finding their way or the games’ rhythms. but also i think this is true for essentially 90% of all retro games, to a degree?


I think they may be playing more traditionally garish elements close to the chest because their PR is savvy now but even if this is representative of the whole I am ecstatic.

My gripes with 3D Sonic levels are pits and length because of movement speed. Open world maps usually suck because you use a normal player character speed, possibly with a mount, to traverse wide empty spaces. This looks like enough space for Sonic to stretch his legs between concentrated pockets of more authored level design.

I play Forzas Horizon with all of the audio turned off to zone out and chill so I want to play this yesterday. I hope it’s not rotten with Systems.


but the movement looks very bad


i have to assume the Actual Levels have not been shown yet and the HUD is not on for effect. I like the idea that this overworld is a big tony hawk/jet set radio level but we’ll have to see how it actually plays out. There is an argument to be made that sonic games are basically ahead of their time which makes the unique and by being behind the times this will be the one that most normal people like


i want every level to look like a memphis milano freestyle, nothing else is appropriate