sonic forces is GOTY

I’d like to know about Lost World too. I thought the Wii-u demo seemed like a pretty great basic setup for a Sonic game.




damn dracko, i was just about to post that

That quality retained Carpenter’s interest throughout the Sonic series; he’s even stood by Sonic during some of the character’s most notorious low points. “I even like the one where he turns into a werewolf,” he says referencing 2008’s poorly received Sonic Unleashed.

folks, i am trying very hard not to want to play this game for the weird character creations, but if i see a redbox with this in it, i aint making any promises

lost world is slick. a lot of the negativity is either people being bad and blaming it on the game, people unironically putting the story forward as an important part of their experience, or the bizarre galaxy comparison that really makes no sense. i bought it full price and i don’t regret a penny of it. wish i could have done the same for colors, another excellent game. lost world really has a similar spirit to colors, even if it doesn’t look the same. you can get it for $29.99 on steam now.

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nooooo no no no. what happened to sonic 06 was so much worse than simply being ambitious; it was sabotaged. dev team hemorrhaged twice and the rest of the team had to figure something out. the original techdemo is actually pretty good and not very much like the final game. there are clearly other details that were never revealed; why is the techdemo so different in the ways that it is, etc.

this is a bit like what happened to superman 64.

i don’t really understand what’s going on with forces. a bunch of different minigroups in the sonic community all hate the game for their own personal reasons, but basically nothing they say is actually reflected in the game itself. also 90% of it is just complaining that classic sonic doesn’t control exactly like he does in the mega drive games. sure, dislike that, whatever, but this is actually being seen as a major misstep on the part of sonic team. i don’t really understand why what is basically a cameo character can’t work at least a little differently, especially when we also have sonic mania for these people to play. but, apparently, the fact that mania exists is somehow a criticism against forces… even though this criticism is being made by the people mania exists to cater to…

i think forces is actually pretty good and at least a little better than generations. i don’t understand any of the hate whatsoever.

sorry for making three posts

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they were waiting for this one lol


look, there’s no easy way to say this, but i went ahead and beat this game

it’s dumb and vibrant and has fucking bullshit janky control issues and god awful 2D floaty jumping platforming, but mostly, buried somewhere deep inside its Anti-Fa for Anime Furries aesthetic, it’s got weirdly sincere intentions and a couple of legit slappin’ tunes

and once you beat the game, you can unlock like 15 character creator slots, so i’off to make Dragon Ball characters out of every dog i’ve ever met


Did anyone ever play the 3DS version of Sonic Generations? I accidentally got it for free and haven’t brought myself to try it out yet. Could it possibly be good? I’ll report back.

Are more animal types unlocked in the character creator? I watched a video and was surprised to see that echidna wasn’t an option

it’s okay at best, but, not really that good in general iirc

Crocs and Uggs

Worst image.


I will buy this game if wearing the t-shirt makes all the music Sanic-ified

modscene already out of control


holy fuck, videogames are good again

This is incredible