sonic forces is GOTY

i don’t really understand what’s going on with forces. a bunch of different minigroups in the sonic community all hate the game for their own personal reasons, but basically nothing they say is actually reflected in the game itself. also 90% of it is just complaining that classic sonic doesn’t control exactly like he does in the mega drive games. sure, dislike that, whatever, but this is actually being seen as a major misstep on the part of sonic team. i don’t really understand why what is basically a cameo character can’t work at least a little differently, especially when we also have sonic mania for these people to play. but, apparently, the fact that mania exists is somehow a criticism against forces… even though this criticism is being made by the people mania exists to cater to…

i think forces is actually pretty good and at least a little better than generations. i don’t understand any of the hate whatsoever.

sorry for making three posts