sine mora

I walked into a videogame shop yesterday and saw this in the ps4 section. apparently it got released on that?? I remembered this post about it and thought that was reason enough to buy it, also i like scrolling shooters but am bad at them so don’t mind if pros don’t like a game, and I had some vague impression that they don’t like this.

Anyway I played two stages and the story is godawful annoying and the sound effects are rubbish and the slow down mechanic is boring and the thing where you run toward the enemy when you get hit to get all your powerups back but then ur invincibility frames run out so you get hit again and pick em all up again and then run back to the back-middle of the screen… that bit is very bad. Also lots of water sections but no whales. Come on dudes. Some alright graphics though I guess.

After playing it I played Gradius 5 until I got game over (so like, until that spider boss) and yeah, that’s a lot better isn’t it.

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is the poetry good at least

Yeah, it has a lot of basic problems, most of which are pretty euroshmup-y. The graphics are pretty, and the soundtrack is pretty good. But the actual game is…not great. The story mode is OK to play through, but the arcade/score attack modes are not enjoyable, and that is a big problem in the genre.

It looks like the dev, Digital Reality (working with Grasshopper for aesthetics) shut down awhile ago and sold off the rights to this to THQ Nordic, which explains a bit of the republication (as Sine Mora EX on Steam, also). Their other games of the time were OK-ish. SkyDrift was a pretty fun airplane racer, and they made one other one with Grasshopper that the demo was OK, but not amazing. Wonder what happened to the rights on all of those.

The game is bad.

The structure is indeed euro-shootery but in a bad way, and if it felt bad to control

Yeah, Sine Mora is a mess.

For a while, several of us over on tried our best to break the game down for competitive scoring:
Kill everything (not so much for the points granted for destruction but for triggering the bonus coins and power ups)
Always be firing (rank is tied to your auto-fire rate, the faster you fire, the more the rank meter increases)
Don’t get hit (your multiplier gets zero’d out and you drop a letter rank)
Never use your special time abilities (your multiplier gets zero’d out)
Never use your bombs (your multiplier gets zero’d out)

Oh yeah, and buy a controller with a turbo fire function.

The fact that so many systems in the game are at odds with each other is aggravating. Nobody has a problem with bombs resetting the multiplier, but why does the special ability do the same thing? Isn’t the core of the game these special abilities? Why does using them negatively impact your scoring? Shouldn’t they be tied directly into the scoring system like in ESPGaluda, Giga Wing, Mars Matrix, Chaos Field, etc?

Secondly, the power-ups are generated randomly (unlike in anything by Eighting/Raizing where everything functions on a trackable counter) with spawn percentages changing as the player holds onto various limited resources. This results in scenarios where you’re waiting for a certain item and it never appears. The only non-random drops are the coins, which have a countable frequency. Also, 10 power ups levels are just mindless (we only let Kaneko get a pass on this one) especially considering that level 8 is much better than 9 or 10.

The auto-fire glitch (which I’m going to assume hasn’t been addressed in this revision) is some Mushihime-sama level shit. Essentially, the rank system is tied to your auto-fire rate and guess what? With an auto-fire controller you can fire much faster than the in-game preset auto-fire rates (which results in maximizing the rank much faster). It also makes the even weapon power-up levels completely redundant (as their entire purpose is to raise the fire frequency of the prior shot level). Oh, and bosses become a joke when using assisted auto-fire (especially Papa Carlo, whose weak-point hit box is just stupid).

Things also got really weird when I tried to extrapolate the Time Mass Stabilization scoring system but found that the values aren’t absolute. They’re around 10,000 pts per remaining second (IIRC), but the base values were always random. So at first you’d think that killing bosses quickly with lots of time remaining is the way to go, but considering that you’re granted bonus score at the end of the level for the amount of time spent in a stage (the longer the better) wouldn’t it make more sense to milk certain sections to as close to 0 as possible? Well, seeing as the point value at end stage worked out to something slightly higher than 10,000 pts per second this would appear to be the case. However, due to the fluctuating values this became a complete coin toss… maybe it ended up being higher… maybe lower… who knows?

And I’m not even going to get into the nuisance that is the garbage chute (in stage 3) and the fire caverns (in stage 4).

Oh yeah, I almost forgot about the asinine piano “power-up”.


I liked this game’s style and it was easy enough for my scrubly self to actually not die immediately.

Thumbs up from this guy with bad taste in shmups

OMG these sections are such bullshit.

I really do wish someone could just take the graphics/sound parts of this game and remake them into a decent game though, because it is so pretty, but yeah, in the end, it is a mess.

The garbage chute was where I turned the game off and never returned to it, though I’ve always intended to give it another chance.

I think my other biggest annoyance was the tiny text that hurt my eyes on my CRT television.