I worry Maxima’s been cut but idk, expectations do be shattered so far.
Where’s Nakoruru dammmmmmit
Good question! Of all the culls this edition, hers is especially weird, given just how much prominence they gave her last go-around. But then, this game is making a lot of that previous game feel weird, in retrospect.
Krohnen’s full trailer’s out, complete with the special intro with K’, which is actually making me realize: they seem to actually be giving K’ a reason to be in the tournament this time around, aside from “he was a main character, so I guess we gotta.” I appreciate that!
Speaking of characters who always have to be around, with Kim apparently getting the boot, the list of characters who haven’t missed a (main series) game from the start is getting dang short: Kyo, Benimaru, Terry, Ryo, Ralf, Clark, and Athena.
The list of characters who’ve never missed a game since being introduced isn’t much longer: if you don’t count those who returned from KOF XIV (Shun’ei, Meitenkun, Luong, King of Dinosaurs*, Antonov, and Kukri), the only addition is Iori.
ETA: On the other hand, given that the list of characters introduced in KOF XIV who didn’t return is actually quite substantial, there’s an argument to be made for counting them without equivocation, at least until they fail to return.
The most disappointing thing about KOFXV is that after 14’s introduction of a great cast of new character, they’ve dropped most of them to include mostly KOF classics at launch. I think the series would do well to ingratiate the new characters and turn them in staples rather than continuing to ride on the familiar. The existing cast has stagnant relationships to each other at this point and I think pivoting to new characters or using new characters to give the old characters some new life would be great. Like, why aren’t they doing anything with Krohnen as Sylvie, both ex-NESTs experiments who are striking out on their own?
Losing Team South America especially hurts.
I didn’t play much of the beta because, as a typical PC player, I quickly realized my TV’s input lag is awful and it felt bad to play. It was so bad it spurned me to buy a new TV over black friday to prepare for upcoming fighting games like KOF.
Edit: About Nakoruru, honestly I don’t really care that much about losing her because she was also in SamSho, so I don’t feel like she needs the representation in KOF15 when there are so many other characters that could be included instead. We can just say she’s out exploring the culinary world with Mui Mui and Love Heart. However, there is supposedly a leaked roster there that is shaping up to be accurate, so if I recall it right this is the answer to whether or not Nakoruru is in (I will put in filler words to mask the answer too): she is purportedly going be in one of the DLC teams.
I hope dlc characters have stories in xv, they weren’t really a draw for solo players in xiv
FINE KOF, I will give you my DLC money (but I’ll main Kronen bc I cannot deny my copyright infringement boy)
That hair seems almost done consuming his face completely
He is more machine and hair now than man…
Well…yes and no? Yes, the series cut a good chunk of the characters they’d just introduced in the last game–the most out of any game, in absolute if not relative terms. And yes, a plurality (14 characters, or 36%) of the core roster has been a part of the series since KOF 94, with thirteen counting as regulars. However, the second most-represented single game, again in absolute terms if not relative ones, is still KOF XIV.
That said, I get what you’re saying. On one hand, this feels like a very eclectic roster, in that a lot of the team configurations have something of interest. On the other hand, the weird bits make the conservative bits–and there’s quite a bit of those–stand out all the more. The roster may be reminiscent of KOF XI, but it’s also no KOF XI.
(I’d say that KOF XIV also felt both conservative and original, in different ways.)
In any case, some observations, now that the core roster has been officially revealed.
This is, by a good amount, the KOF with the most balanced gender ratio–about 41% of the base roster is female.
This is also, not entirely uncoincidentally, one of the more samey-looking casts in the series’ history, in the sense that there’s very few characters who don’t fit into the Pretty Twentysomething mold. Part of it is because of the aforementioned gender ratio–SNK is still afraid of female characters who are anything but Pretty Twentysomethings–but also they’ve just cut most of the odder-looking characters.
After last game gave us a lot of teams whose members were tied via geography–Japan Team, China Team, Korea Team, Mexico Team, South American Team, South Town Team, this game has done away with all of those. Only two teams could possibly claim a national connection–Team Sacred Treasure and Team Super Heroine–but that’s never been a part of either of the teams’ brands.
Given how absent a lot of its characters had been over the years, it’s odd just how well-represented the NESTS era is in this roster. I’d like to think that it means they’ve finally though of something for them to do, but I’m not especially optimistic about that.
Just when you I thought the whole K9999 thing couldn’t get any funnier, we now find out that Not!Not!Tetsuo is apparently Scottish and now I want to see what those meetings at SNK were like.
You need not know but minor fighter Big Bear is Raiden…
Mark Of The Wolves is my favourite game ever and the opening remix nearly made me cry. Then Gato appeared the same time as my finger magnetically attacked itself to the preorder button (where’s grant though).
Team South Town: Dull. Predictable. Done.
Team South Town in suits: Gimme.