The room on the right is an iteration on the left. Decided the original idea would be too boring so I am working on something more interesting and fun. Thinking of rooms as units. Developing heuristics as I go along!
Prodeus is pretty good but ought to be better (the environment tilesets are a little undistinguished, they could use some more level tricks, and they need to work on communicating through the excellent feedback), but I’m madly in love with its postprocessing, cranking the resolution down while upping the dithering, the chunky shiny textures
This works for me in a way the limited frames and downsampling never really did in something like Amid Evil. Maybe it’s density; Amid Evil is sparse like a period-appropriate Unreal-engine game, and so always looks subtly off. This just goes for modern effects, ending with a sea of noise. There’s a lot of forced-low res games right now, but they often look like a low-res render of something modern. There’s too much edge swimming on what are clearly too-high pixel-dense objects. Maybe the low resolution textures (despite the modern material work) helps keep it from feeling false, too.
the fulls screen chromatic aberration grid effect looks like something Id get tired of really fast.
I may be insatiable
love to look at things through a chromatic aberration grid
love to be five years old looking through the screen door and moving my head around fast and slow to see how it momentarily transparentizes and restructures the perpetually paralaxing outdoor image
I can hear this screenshot
I listened to this soundtrack two days ago
the most relaxinbg and cosy title screen of all time
btw turns out this is kinda bullshit, i just do it using vgmaps instead of the actual game
i guess my biggest draw in game screenshots is changing the context a little bit. Like taking Mordor Tourist screenshots or adding stage lighting to Nioh 2. So in a 2D game the best way to change the context is to see more of it than intended, or to see it without any characters on it. even just seeing a fighting game background in widescreen is kind of remarkable in itself.
anyway i’m sure this is another case of Gamers Think They Invented Something, In This Case Photography, but of course all art must be filtered through my only hobby
Slow night. Doin’ some recovery ops and listenin’ to podcasts.
Weather sure sucks at this delivery stop, though. Wind speed’s a bit ridiculous.
EDIT: Tried to get out of the chair and the ship went sliding. Nearly didn’t get it back under control before it exploded. Gonna have to take a pass on the delivery for a bit.
oh, I like this a lot
I like this very much