Nominating every version of Glider cuz I don’t remember which one is best but I think it’s pretty and fun and cuz Soft Dorothy Software is the greatest dev name with the greatest dev logo of all times*
*OK, tied with
Nominating every version of Glider cuz I don’t remember which one is best but I think it’s pretty and fun and cuz Soft Dorothy Software is the greatest dev name with the greatest dev logo of all times*
*OK, tied with
fuck that is really good
This game has more viable strategies than it ever presses you to find, and the combos of plants can get real fucking weird. The only problem this game has is never getting hard enough to push on the edges of your understanding of the game, and not being moddable enough that someone else could make a difficulty patch. Otherwise, it’s everything I want from a game:
Love this game
If it’s on a console it counts as a game.
Nominating the Wii Shop Channel
And Wii Weather Channel
And Everybody Votes
Not nominating Check Mii Out but the music is better than Everybody Votes
Oh fuck I forgot about this, putting this on my list too
This is some next level shit if everybody votes for Everybody Votes
did anyone go in for Playstation Home yet?
Would have voted just for the Siren and Irem/Granzella/R-Type themed spaces that I have foggy memories of visiting, and there is a really good SB1 thread on Home, but also not voting for it because like Rudie I just wanted to include stuff that is accessible now.
I’d been hankering to replay one of these but last time I searched for it I got intimidated by the sheer number of sequels to choose from and closed the tab. Thanks for the recommendation.
I don’t remember specifically which one I enjoyed in the 90s (but I think now it was probably II). Actually doing the research now, it looks like V is the second-best and III is a Master of Magic-like enjoyable fiasco
I never heard of this game but it sounds really interesting, I’ll check it out.
Also, in another medium, if you haven’t read Kazuo Ishiguro I recommend checking him out if this theme speaks to you. His best novels are about the sublimated guilt, denial and uncanny pride that develops in low-level servants of a power that is more evil than they initially understand.
17-bit Splatterhouse Genuinely gruesome single-minded splatterfest, feels like you’re being entrapped by a haunting every time
18-bit Ace Combat 04: Shattered Skies Triumphant aerial heroics sit side-by-side with wartime sundrenched melancholia; It works a treat
19-bit Corrypt Mind-bending, reality shattering fantasia
20-bit HUNTDOWN The run-and-gun as cinematic platformer, a delightful 2000AD-esque pastiche
21-bit Frozen Synapse Artificial godhood in a declining dystopia
22-bit Halo: Reach Not my first but the one I’ve spent the most time with, a series where sandbox design actually means something
23-bit Resident Evil (2002) The haunted mansion as a puzzlebox
24-bit Resident Evil 2 (2019) The formula surviving even this cynical project is a strong testament to its solid foundations
25-bit ClockTower Why aren’t there giallo Choose-Your-Own-Adventure books?
26-bit DooM 64 A testament both to DooM’s longevity and morphability, every developer should have gotten a stab at it in its heyday
27-bit Dragon’s Dogma My favourite Dungeons & Dragons campaign and mythical beast scaling simulator
28-bit ANATOMY Swallowed
29-bit Yume Nikki All-consuming eerieness and sadness
30-bit 1,001 Spikes Indy has it coming
31-bit Alien: Isolation Excellent stalking sim, the best Alien sequel
32-bit Cosmology of Kyoto The karmic cycle, the original masocore
One part of Custom Robo V2 has all the cosy clichés of a small town coming of age Pokemon knock-off. The other part has incredibly snappy, highly legible robot arena battles against impressively (especially for the time) tenacious AI opponents. As you work your way through the competition, customise your robot’s chassis, jet pack, gun, sub-weapon and legs to find the defense, damage and mobility stats that fit your play-style/tactics needed for any given enemy. The first Custom Robo is great and there’s an English patch available. The second one is only in Japanese so I couldn’t really tell what was going on story-wise but these aren’t games you play for the plot. The two games are very similar but the sequel does add more customisation options and tag-team matches. Oh and in both of them, you start each battle in a cube which is then fired out of a cannon and bounces around the map. You can aim the cannon, and your opening stance is determined by what side your cube lands on. It’s neat.
La La Land is haunted software. The five installments feel like exorcisms of very particular and intimate demons left unnamed and undefined. That’s the creator’s business and they’ve long since disappeared without comment (that I can find (one of the readme files says “if you feel like you need to talk to someone about your problems, my email address is (I’ve never emailed that address…maybe I should))). There’s been some digging into the games’ code (the first chapter features unrecognisably slowed down and reversed versions of Kate Bush’s ‘Babooshka’ and Radiohead’s ‘Amnesia’) but is there really a secret to decode? The creator had to make these glitchy vignettes to externalise something and therein lies its power to ensorcell me. Also, chapter 3 is very funny. Also also, I just remembered the person behind these games made another called Uin, I’ve gotta track that one down (maybe it’s all explained there and my sense of mystery will be destroyed, I hope not!).
Sin and Punishment 2: Star Successor is a more than worthy sequel to the first game. A roller coaster ride full of freaks that rampage through the brain cage with grotesque glee. It single-(double?)-handedly justifies the existence of the Wiimote, validating that controller as being as fit as any other for Treasure’s action buffet bliss.
The Manhole is one of the first games I ever played, a bedtime story to step into and poke at, a dream loop inhabited by walruses in elevators and dragons that sound like Barry White. There’s no end state or “winning” because the designers identified those as fatal flaws in human dreaming. Also, without Manhole, they wouldn’t have made Myst.
Gunvalkyrie is the best “floor is lava” action game. Mastering this means manipulating your jet pack so as to (almost) never touch the ground, cartwheeling through the air while unleashing futuristic fireballs at alien horrors (I especially love the series of deep shafts you have to hover down through while wasting enemies below). The controls are infamously awkward at first blush. It even commits the sin of assigning an integral action (boosting) to clicking the left thumb stick. AND YET, wrapping my brain, let alone hands, around this configuration is one of the most satisfying action experiences I’ve had. The vibe throughout (massive abandoned space colonies and vast canyons coloured in psychedelic sunsets) is potent. There’s a mad space scientist to bring to justice. Some neo-Norse mythology. And the final boss is some kind of satanic mutant cherub thing. Sadly, I’ve not played this in ages and don’t have the means to do so at the moment BUT watching playthroughs of the game has only strengthened my resolve to include it in my top 64 (and actually buy an OG XBox to play it soon).
if anyone wants the la la land games cuz they’re sort of hard to find, here. these work on modern windows too
oh yeah let me add cho ren sha x68k and resident evil remake to my shit
lalaland - its the first indie game i plaeyd that wasnt a goddamn puzzle platformer (except that one part)
yume nikki - WALKING NOISES
horizon zero dawn - fuck you it actually is that good and maybe you have to be mansplained by idiots for your entire life for the game to hit right. but whatever, its for girls
animal crossing gamecube - the more stressful and shitty and videogamey the series gets the better the original feels to come back to (yeah i fucking hate the new animal crossing)
final fantasy 2 - having best hat
dr mario - its the best game ever
Any idea where one might get the dev’s follow up uin? Seems like it might be even harder to find than La La Land…
Just posting for visibility and I didn’t see any RTS votes at a glance, so maybe we could get that genre represented
Animal Crossing Gamecube - the original is probably the closest to throwing you into a world of aloof, indifferent or even outright hostile sentient animals and its particular stranger in a strange land charm was lost as the series got friendlier and added on layers of complications and things to do. It has the best soundtrack with a weird, toy-like avant-garde electronic instrument set that was never topped as the series kept on reiterating mellow guitar riffs on a motif (they fit the mood but weren’t as interesting). Also a bunch of NES games were thrown in at a time when Nintendo was feeling generous/did not have the urge to monetize its history as it does now, so I guess holistically as a product the original Animal Crossing is the best by volume of content?
Command and Conquer Red Alert 2 Yuri’s Revenge - voting because I didn’t see many RTS recs and this was my childhood favorite, though I knew and loved all the C&Cs up to Generals. The Yuri faction is totally overpowered but I indulge my inner 12 year old through AI skirmishes where I possess all other factions and build a giant map-covering base. Also its cutscenes are the goofiest, campiest shit ever, just worth noting as the first time I saw the great Ray Wise’s acting work.
@zombieman000, good call. i think the only RTS worth adding for me is zero-k. i am tempted to add starcraft as well… not sure yet.