selectbutton 85 xv: versus xiii

welcome back. this time matchups are split into two halves, winners and losers. winners of winners will move to losers and losers of losers will be eliminated. the bracket as it currently stands can be found here. voting is now open and will close in one week.


  • Katamari Damacy
  • Killer7

0 voters

  • Outrun 2
  • Dark Souls

0 voters

  • Metal Gear Solid: Sons of Liberty

0 voters

  • EarthBound
  • Bloodborne

0 voters


  • Sky Odyssey
  • Ico

0 voters

  • Super Mario 64
  • Riven

0 voters

  • Castlevania: Rondo of Blood
  • Deus Ex

0 voters

  • Bubble Bobble
  • Resident Evil 4

0 voters



Katamari Damacy
Real Insert Credit 2005 hours. Both are great and untouchable. I really disliked Killer7 for a stupid stupid reason and eventually got over myself and I think “My Name is Andre Ulmeda.” once a week at least. We’re in a tight spot. A very tight spot.

Outrun 2
Dark Souls
As the years go on I like Outrun 2 less than I used to. I honestly get bored of Passing Wave et al before the end of any given run. I do love it is a 15 minute game. That rules.

Dark Souls has a gave at the beginning full of super tough unstoppable skeletons that you can foolishly enter and die over and over and then complain the game is complete bullshit because the recommended path is off and to the right. That Rules.

Metal Gear Solid 2: Sons of Liberty

DooM is the best game. It is video games. And I am counting the endless endless mods and levels made. Because DooM 2 levels kind of suck and the game hangs as a level pack with very little theming. There is always more DooM to play. One day I will get to try the multiplayer. Did I say always vote multiplayer? That’s still true. I have never multiplayered DooM!

Speaking of insert credit hours I probably wrote a dumb as hell essay about Sons of Liberity in college. It’s a big stupid game with melting ice and trick protagonist and did you say NERD? I don’t even know why I borrow a friend’s playstation 2 to play all the way through it without a memory card. Sorry Sam! Game fucking ruled though.

Then you gotta help the president and snipe a vampire and hear a really fucking stupid story of incest. He also like predicted twitter broooo.


I’ve been meaning to play Mother 2 for like 10 years. I played through Earthbound on SNES9x on my laptop and then gave a presentation on video games as an expressive art form and was somewhat dismissive of the ludology. Pongism forever. Fear The Old Blood.

Sky Odyssey

I’ve played through Ico 5 times. I’ve played Sky Odyssey for 5 minutes. Let’s get it to the top of this list.

Super Mario 64
I feel like we already had this match up but consider sitting on the steps gauzing at the sunbeasts. That you can end the game from 10 seconds in only to crush Atrus’s heart that you killed his wife AND his evil Dad. Consider more that the fate he leaves his family too worse than death.

Castlevania: Rondo of Blood
Deus Ex
Small text: i don’t like either of these games anymore but vote for PC Game representation.

Bubble Bobble
Resident Evil 4
In both of these games you fight a giant catfish! Wait that’s Bubble Memories. Which is better than Bubble Bobble. Oops give it up for they got a bondage equipped cave troll. RE4 is just a constant parade of COOL THINGS. Jumping on bubbles to double jump in BB is TOO HARD.


Katamari Damacy

Killer7 had a line thread, and I think could still probably get one going today. I joked with an old forum member about having a band that was just for people to yell at each other about Killer7.

Everyone loves Katamari Damacy, and they should. It’s really good. I blew through the remaster a few months ago and it is still a real good time. I like the spirit of the second one more (whimsy as a very thin veneer over some obvious anger/resentment is kinda perfect. so angry).

Both these games rule, but one of them makes people mad so probably gonna vote for that one.

Outrun 2
Dark Souls

Again, the contrarian in me knows that one of these seems to be almost uniersally loved, and it isn’t Outrun 2. I would probably have preferred Outrun 1, but you know, this is what we got. Splash Wave is always my jam, so I can’t even pretend.

Dark Souls still rules though, so.


voting is now open and will close in one week

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i really can’t decide on most of these

and then i haven’t played riven

I know there are many people who abstain from voting when they haven’t played a game or they go with the game that they have played. I know that many people have not played Riven. If you are someone who hasn’t played Riven, consider voting for it because that would make me happy.

I’ll offer a quick “taste test” to sweeten the deal.
Listen to this:

And look at these:


If Riven loses to a fucking Mario game I’m quitting the forum


A More Riven Style Myst Game for Wii U.


If you’ve never played Super Mario 64, here’s a taste test of what that game is like:


Mario 64 is a revolutionary game that is the foundation of hundreds if not thousands of 3D games over the past 25 years. It’s still more fun to play than many of them though the aesthetics are very much of its time.

Riven is a revolutionary game that barely any game in 25 years has even attempted to imitate, let alone expand on. It is an insane AAA-budget anthropological theme park adventure game where you solve 4 puzzles over the course of 10 hours. It still looks and sounds incredible.

I don’t have much stake in these bracket matches, but this is the most interesting one for me yet. 99% of people would choose Mario 64, but Riven is arguably just as important and does things better than many similar games since who should have learned from it. Every time I play a 3D platformer and many FPSs, I’m playing a variation of Mario 64. There is only one way to play anything like Riven.


mario 64 is my favorite mario game i just 120 starred it for probably the fifteenth time. i will never stop jumping uncontrollably. the triple jump in mario 64 is the best triple jump! like its not SUPER hard to do but you need momentum abd timing like you don’t in any mario game that came after it. the long jump feels great too but getting your first triple jump off as a kid is Top Ten Power Gaming Moments

i screamed with delight the entire time i was visiting cyan worlds but you’re all plebs and picked riven over manhole so GO AHEAD AND QUIT THE FORUM. MY SOUL HAS ALREADY LEFT BECAUSE MANHOLE IS ABSENT FROM YET ANOTHER GREATEST GAMES LIST

did i nominate it i must have it feels like so long ago


I mean it’s an adventure game… if you already know what to do you can beat it in like 30 minutes probably. Myst can be casually speedrun in like 5. It’s all about how long it takes you to figure things out, how long you sit and absorb the world…

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manhole is an infinite hour game, you cant speedrun manhole, you must immerse yourself

i should find my ps2 copy of riven though what if it changes my old warped and broken plague-poisoned mind. anything could these days

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I think 10-15 hours is about right if you are going in blind (which you should). It’s not a huge game and probably 1/2-1/3 of that playtime is going to be introspective, rather than discovering new parts of the game. It is on the hard side in terms of adventure games, however. There are no “checks” to make sure you are learning the right things beyond the final puzzle, which requires you to put everything together in a challenging way.

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In many ways your righteous indignation that Manhole got snubbed over Riven matches my bitterness over Sunshine always losing out.

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SM64 has better puzzles and riddles than Riven though, like: How can Mario be zipping and yipping through the air when he’s utterly dead inside?

Like all the best toys, it’s also a lot of fun to bend and break and you can kill Mario in like 20 differently animated ways, something for the haters even!

This being like my first game ever set the expectation of games being things you can step into and explore and poke at and get lost and hang out in and I crave that sort of thing to this day. I left my heart in The Manhole, MANHOLE FOREVER.


okay but now im thinking of a riven or maybe even obduction hack with mario sounds during traversal and id be fucking into it



I’m making Yoshi’s floating sound in my head to push out all the positive SM64 talk.


Full disclosure, I’ve played every Cyan game (yes even Spelunx and the Caves of Mr. Seudo) up to Myst but not Riven. I believe everyone that says Riven is cool though.

Everyone listen to the Selecf ButtonDot Net Podcast about Mario 64.