SB2 Mario Maker World Jam

Thank you all for playing my levels and commenting on them.

@morkitten I’m glad you liked my airship level! It turned out to be a big hit out of the bunch so that’s neat. I struggled a bit to come up with more for the underside of the ship but now it occurs to me that I could have put some water or lava down there that rises and falls, like in the castle, and do more with it that way. That’s an idea for a future level or a remix.

I do like the running and jumping the most in Mario lol. I always start Mario Maker by widening and expanding the play area as far as it will go and then considering that whole thing my play space. It’s never big enough!

I knew the trampoline would give people trouble but I went with it anyway. Glad you liked the castle. I think I spent the most time on the castle and the airship levels and I guess it shows lol.

As for your levels I think I made it to the second or third level yesterday. Or maybe I’m still on the first? I never played 3D World so I’m not used to using the catsuit but I like it. I’m going to try and complete everyone’s worlds.

So far I’ve only managed to complete @zombieman000’s world, I wasn’t sure I’d be able to do it because there’s so much going on in those things it was a bit overwhelming but I got there so go me. I did not defeat Koopa I just ran past him but that still counts as a win in my book.

I’ve also completed @VastleCania’s first world. That was real nice and breezy! I’ll have to go through it again because I quit when I got to the second world and I don’t think there’s a way to save progress here? Either way I’m looking forward to it.

@bib Daddy’s Tower is an intimidating monolith that looms down on me like an imposing, towering… tower thing. I have not made it past the first level yet but I’m going to give it another shot in a minute here when I’m done with this post. It my gaming Everest.