sb 85 xi online: the voracious resurgence

wow, some of these results probably wouldn’t be replicated anywhere else


i’m gonna be so mad when the final four is inexplicably 4 zelda games


I want to come in at the last moment to say that The Soft Museum is one of my favorite levels in any video game. The whole area from its grassy exterior to its carpeted marble hallways is stretched over the surface of a trampoline. It sinks and dips as you brush up against it. The music is the best in the game. It is Nights, through play, delivering on a feeling that it’s opening cutscenes promise. I like feeling good more than i like feeling bad.


Honestly, I am getting irrationally mad about all of the zelda on the top of this list lol

This might be the last straw in radicalizing me from general Zelda indifference to outright hatred of its monolithic presence in this stupid medium for babies

Anti-Zelda Action Play Another Game

I’m going to start dressing in all black and find all the steam developers who describe their games as “a love letter to Zelda” and smash their computers


The reason popularity contests don’t work. It’ll turn into a gamefaqs poll by the quarter finals

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I think that’s just the effect that comes with the format of the GameFAQs character battle, alongside with things like - this bears repeating - Final Fantasy Tactics going up against Kane and Lynch 2 Dog Days for the honour of facing off against F-Zero GX.


They work, it rocks, go Zelda


My tastes aren’t particularly eclectic so I cant complain too much. It’ll probably be a souls game, katamari, a zelda and like outrun 2 or something. maybe two souls or two zeldas

yeah, like I said, “irrationally” mad. Don’t mind me I just lurk here! :zipper_mouth_face:


Sky Odyssey shoulda beat Link’s Awakening. I like some Zelda (1, 2, Awakening, Ocarina (I will defend that ugly, empty landscape of primordial polygons til the end)) but dislike it as a series, or genre as it’s become. If there was one Zelda to make it though, the first one deserves it for managing to capture a real sense of Adventure for 35 years. Too bad about Kane & Lynch, SB got me into that one, it’s such a singular, uncompromising trip. I need to play FFT though. Beating Shining Force last year convinced me I can actually enjoy that sort of thing.


thank you everyone for voting, polls are now closed and the new thread for the next round (winners this time) is up here and open for discussion.