Sanada's Warriors Romance of Kingdom Legends Extreme Dynasties Part 3049

I’m recalling that there might have been a few musous that let you mute the dialogue so that you only get number-of-KOs or officer defeated notifications but that’s still a lot of text.

i know at least in 3 and 4 you can turn on or off “events” which stops there from being cutscenes that interrupt you and might toggle some of the dialogue as well

OK i’m looking into this, will continue to edit this post as i learn more

dw3: messages sort of appear in between the views. they are kinda thick and take forever to fade but they are centered and somewhat transparent. rating = NOT BAD

dw4: messages are centered, officer-talk slightly more of 1p than 2p which is honestly good and the overall coverage is minimal compared to 3. you lose the transparency but the messages fade faster. rating = OK

dw5 (SD): similar to 4. the longer messages have more coverage and cover up. still, you can mostly get by. rating = OK

dw5 empires (HD): fair, slender, i like it. rating = GOOD

dw6 (SD): meh, not great. that’s way too much of 2p’s screen taken up. rating = NOT GOOD

dw6 (HD): this one is getting more annoying for 2p. rating = QUESTIONABLE

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obvious all ratings are from the perspective of player 2 because workers must own the means of production


one thing that sucks is that the real estate at the top of the screen is generally more important than the bottom, so even when the coverage is equal, the impact is not!

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the more elaborate they get with the UI design the worse the problem is becoming lol. Samurai Warriors 4 has these pretty dialogue boxes but they’re enormous and annoy the shit out of player 2

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these reviews are decent! kind of a dearth of reviews of these games on youtube

of course, he gets some stuff wrong. he doesn’t seem to mention that the weapon upgrade system was introduced in 3, along with additional attacks in your chain once your weapon is upgraded. he also claims 4 is harder than 2 and 3, which… what the fuck? 4 is way fucking easier than those games. the arrow spam has been nerfed, the difficulty curve has been smoothed out, and the initial state is less intimidating as well! bodyguard upgrades carry over as well as item unlocks and upgrades. 4 is still tough, though. whatever initial thoughts i had about the AI being less aggro in 4, i was wrong. it’s aggro as hell!

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this sounds like someone accidentally mailed in their DDR track to the wrong developer

I’m playing Dynasty Warriors 3, first time playing any of these games. I started with Sun Shang Xiang and I love seeing the bodies fly all over the place after her musou attack.

How do the weapon unlocks work in this game? I found a weapon during stage 2 but I died near the end so I didn’t get it, and I later beat stage 2 but didn’t find the weapon during that run… are they random? I know there’s the “4th weapon” which you get for completing some arcane criteria, but I’m talking about the basic weapons here.

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even though i’ve only played a few of these games and dw3 is one of them i honestly couldn’t tell you anything about how anything works lol. it’s just a big musou mush in there.

there’s a lot of stuff here:, click Warriors at the top

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the general rule is, if your character doesn’t unlock things automatically by leveling up, you usually get stuff as random drops with better drops based on difficulty level (harder difficulties = better drops), or extremely specific criteria that you will almost certainly have to look up

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i think in 3 you just automatically get your 3rd weapon eventually as you level up and play higher difficulties

are you playing the us or jp version? dynasty warriors 3 being shin sangokumusou 2 and so forth

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US version

Warriors Orochi 3 update:
We’re probably reaching co-op ending number 2, i think? We’ve avoided peaking with the same team and switched around a lot, nevertheless, Lv 71 Kasumi with her baseball bat is a killer on Normal Level, and i want to dig a bit more into how badass Cao Cao can get compared to her…

(and we’ve been playing so much WO3 that i fear that switching back to WO4 will take a while until it gels with us, 1st World Problems itellyah)

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I’ve been playing Dynasty Warriors 4 Hyper in Linux via Wine with the nocd patch. Feels great to have this on PC at 1600x1200 res. I haven’t had any problems with the various graphics settings either, which I’ve heard can be an issue when running this in Windows.


did you hear that from my post earlier in this thread here: Sanada's Warriors Romance of Kingdom Legends Extreme Dynasties Part 3049

and by “various graphics settings” does that mean you have dynamic shadows working as shown in that screenshot??

Ah, it looks like you are correct. The dynamic shadows are not working on my system either. No shadows at all when set to ‘All’. Weird, kinda glitchy shadows when set to ‘Objects’. So best to leave as ‘None’.

It could be a hazy memory of your post, but I thought I heard that people were seeing crashes when they enabled certain settings. I haven’t seen that, but I’m probably just misremembering your original post!

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the mystery continues! one day i will find a way to get these shadows working. i wonder if it was something unique to the graphics cards at the time, but i’ve done some research and couldn’t find anything…

long overdue 3 and 4 service level update:
3: pretty much done with the musou mode, all stages unlocked, only Hundun missing. So we turned to WO4 then…
4: Also breezing through the game, think we may get to the finale soon… after the game tricked us into thinking we have the finale two times already.

… and now there is the Samurai Warriors 5 demo out since a few weeks afai can see.
Of course I had to test it…

first impressions:
has a distinctly different feel to it than WO4, gameplay-speed-wise and also sports visuals looking differently than WO4, stylistically harking back to SW4 on the PS4.

SW5 is set before SW4 (at least, haven’t played the others yet) and seems to bank origin-story characters. As such, the first two missions/story-bits in the demo are throwing around a lot of names, and the presentation clearly conveys that the devs know that you know the characters by name now, since they are entering/exiting stage left and right in an allstar-appearance kind of manner i have not noticed up till now, or maybe it is just my expectations getting the better of me.
In any case, reckless delinquent Oda meeting cute teenage Tokugawa, shonen Akechi, Saito and Inaba sounds good enough to make me want to see the other plotlines, guess they will introduce one or two more ridiculous anime characters amongst the well established cast?

We’ll see, consider me hooked for now.


for whatever reason, Orochi 3 on the PS4 got an update recently (as in: the last few weeks(!))
Not gonna complain, but… i mean… considering that there’s been a +1 installment out for a long while now (read as:
the PS3-era title: 2012
the PS4-era version/re-release: 2014
the Switch re-release: 2017
), plus a new Samurai Warriors title as well, what on earth happened there/the hell they were thinking, fixing a bug in a seven year old game?

I love how they do not forget their older titles/fanbases, but that is so rare that I am still puzzled by it…

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