I just ordered a physical copy of Dynasty Warriors 9 Empires from Best Buy with almost no research. Hope it doesn’t suck! I haven’t played either 9 or an Empires game before, but I just feel like I need some musou on my switch. I enjoyed DW8 quite a bit on the vita.
And the performance on switch is dire. Almost unplayable. I hope they can improve this, because my impulsiveness cost me this time!
The performance was part of the reason I couldn’t quite get into Age of Calamity.
9 empires is such a huge step back from 9. they obviously got shouted down by the fans for trying something different and overcorrected wayyyy to much. bland as shit. hope you like castle battles
‘Empires’ is the ‘tactics’ of FFs.
afaik, the only the orochis didn’t get the empires treatment, and the numerous offspawns like Gundasty Warriors or Zelda-Warriors.
Empires are best played when you are feeling ill or recovering from flu, because the fluffy gameplay lets you take back a step and read filler text while uniting the land (because it isn’t roman warriors, they divided and conquered, obv!) at leisurely pace.
no like its just plain fucking awful. what i mean is 9 was adventurous in design descisons and empires feels like a huge step back from this, im not saying its supposed to be the same kind of game
Oh, sorry, then I misunderstood … (Lu Bu made me post this, send help before he’s baaaaarrrghhh)
(how cool is that, SD Gundam Lu Bu? he transcends time and space…)
that’s really a shame, 9’s open world should have been interesting when combined with the empires map-colouring stuff
I haven’t played vanilla 9 either. I was curious about it but it got a lot of negativity when it came out. Also, they never released it on switch. I may pick it up for pc some day though.
Not sure if I’ll be playing much of 9 Empires unless they patch the performance. I acted quickly so I could get a physical copy, but now I’m regretting it. I expected it to perform at least as well as DW8 on the vita!
yeah theres a whole SD gundam line for dynasty warriors and they’re SO EXTRA
SD Gundam Musou when?
dynasty warriors rosters are really getting outlandish