yeah nope this was a bald lie
If I remember correctly, at least on DW4 and probably 5, officers will drop a meat bun if you kill them with an air juggle. That becomes key to survival!
Knowing how to ensure drops in dynasty warriors is 100% part of the strategy
ok i happened to be messing around with my pstv today (sharpscale is a game changer), so i dipped my toe into a few musou games
i tried both fate extella and samurai warriors chronicles 3
fate extella i played for about 3 minutes, pressed 3 buttons and got a 611 hit combo in the tutorial. then i turned it off lol. the music was cool tho
samurai warriors chronicles 3 runs like fermented ass but holy shit i can see why people like SW! it’s fast as hell, damn
samurai warriors 4 is even faster it owns
i just tested out vita overclocking and it immediately turns this game from unpleasantly jittery to amazing, damn
i just wish the overclocking plugin had a different name

also check out my HERO, she’s fucking awesome
what settings did you use? All the sw4 games are on vita and you’re tempting me
you can actually see what i change in the video @ 0:42 - if you open LOL*con (select+up on the d-pad to open the menu, select+down to close) and select Oclock Options and then press right once, you’ll be on the one I was using there, which is apparently generally the best one to use
doesn’t dynasty warriors strikeforce have online co-op or some shit
they must have some kind of co-op on there right
god I have no idea
according to this there’s online co-op
when dynasty warriors 4 hyper was first released, one of the touted features was dynamic shadows
however, i can’t get them to work. when i turn any of the dynamic options on, any of those shadows just vanish entirely. turning them off entirely restores the ps2 shadows, which are better than nothing.
i’ve watched all the youtube videos of this game and i don’t think i’ve seen it working in any of them. could it be some ancient graphics card function from 2005 that isn’t supported anymore?
they definitely work in the original preview video for the game i found on the ign youtube channel.
i found someone else asking around about this on various forums and youtube comments. i don’t think anyone has seen these dynamic shadows working in quite a few years.
would be amazing to figure this out and get them working! i got pretty much everything else working in the PC version, and it’s a pretty damn decent version. just want those lush dynamic shadows working. was there anything special about dynamic shadows in 2005 ish that would be deprecated? i need to look into this more. if anyone has any ideas, let me know.
more PSTV overclock testing. god it cannot be overstated how much more enjoyable this shit is at 30 FPS than unlocked 20-something
slowly plugging away at dynasty warriors 4. musou mode fucking owns in this game. there are the main kingdom stories, right. but if you fulfill prerequisites during the mission, you unlock the “tales of” side missions! this is dope
Yeah, this was Koei using DW to lean into the MH boom, but I think only the PS3/360 releases had online multiplayer.
Does anyone know if Mystic Heroes actually is related to the DW series at all mechanically or did people just compare it since it’s the same company and also based on Chinese stories? I never got to play it but it looked cool.
Also it’s worth noting that online co-op is a pretty standard feature in every warriors game now because the only thing cooler than 1 vs 1000 gameplay is 2 vs 1000 gameplay. I love this in warriors orochi because not only do you get three characters each, you can also have the two most badass guys from the three kingdoms and edo period japan (lu bu and keiji maeda (fuck you, I don’t care if tadakatsu honda is supposed to be SW’s lu bu now, he is a STARTER CHARACTER and thus not lu bu levels of badass)) team up to kill tons of demons and that’s fucking awesome.
a note though it kinda sucks being second player sometimes because the officers are constantly talking and their dialogue will cover up part of the second players view
it doesn’t suck enough to make you not wanna play but its noticeable, and its been in every one ive couch co-oped
OH well i need to now determine for which games this is and is not the case
I can save you some time by telling you all the ps4 ones have that problem.