4 has the custom character maker. I remember this specifically because it was the only DW I cared about and played it a bunch coop on college. You’re almost there
DW4 is a favorite of mine as well. I agree with whoever it was in this thread that said it is best to pick one and just play the hell out of it and ignore the rest of them. Of the newer ones I do like DW8 though. Still not as good as 4, but it at least as costumes from 4 as dlc.
just tried mixjoy in dw3: xtreme legends using esr patched burned discs
works perfectly!
however this shit takes like 3 minutes lol
something i’m going to nag someone about eventually
samurai warriors 3 on wii is fully supported on wiimfi
online co-op in the murasame castle mode
some cool stuff i’ve been using, highly recommend if anyone else plans on playing dynasty warriors 3
stage maps: http://kongming.net/dw3/maps/
which characters unlock which stages: https://koei.fandom.com/wiki/Dynasty_Warriors_3/Musou_Mode
how to unlock 4th (unique) weapons: http://asoh.xyz/guide:dw3-4th-weapons
general tips: http://kongming.net/dw3/faq/
still rolling on my dw3 journey. i’ve switched over to 3XL now, which is a nice improvement. they added a bunch of new weapons, items, a new bodyguard system (my bodyguards all have names now so i can feel bad when they die lol), there are numerous subtle quality of life changes, and overall it just feels like a thoughtful expansion to 3.
mixjoy/import is still annoying as fuck, though. that shit takes FOREVER lol
re: dw2 vs dw3, i do really love some of the level design in 2. the levels in 2 (particularly Yellow Turban Rebellion and Hu Lao Gate) are similarly massive to 3 but feel less meandering and are better paced structurally. maybe it’s something about the more straightforward way you engage, but the maps in 2 are all extremely memorable. YTR is a great example - the layout in 3 is vast and interesting to explore, but the positioning of the turbans around the periphery of the stage with the allies’ castle dead center lacks the natural throughline presented by 2’s siege of a fort occupied by the turbans, followed by a network of mountain paths funneling toward the mountaintop shrine where zhang jiao is.
3’s increased scope, ambition, and intent to allow more freedom results in the player finding themselves frequently trudging from one side of the map to the other without being guided forward by the level and scenario design. there are pros and cons to this approach, but something about 2’s conception and presentation of a battlefield is lost in 3’s more zoomed out perspective. so, maybe it’s not quite fair to throw 2 entirely under the bus when compared to 3. it still does have some strong points to its defense.
this is almost certainly true and is definitely not my plan
come with me and you’ll be in a world of only koei tecmo
2 also has that glorious andante buttrock prebattle music
I mean maybe 3 does too I dunno but that track alone secures 2’s place in history
the briefing and debriefing music in 3 are both remixes of their analogues in 2, actually
they “knew what they had”
check out the description here:
lots of DW3’s music is “ver. 2” which are afaik all remixed from DW2
OPPRESSION holy fuck
Some fuckin Quake 2, Red Alert ass music right there
love it or hate it the whole omega force team was fucking feeling themselves at the time and the music follows suit in lockstep
sorry i am the most basic bitch
I somehow managed to skip over 3 after 2 so knowing these are remixes of those tracks makes me want to get into 3, even though the (barely) rational part of my brain is reminding me musou has consumed too much of my life at this point
get his ass
so the way it works in 3 is they start charging up to use a power up sometimes if you get knocked down. however, if you hit them during the charge-up animation (lasts like 2 seconds), it will cancel it, so you can mostly prevent this from happening unless you’re getting messed up in a big crowd of mooks - not falling down near the generals also works but it’s a lot harder!
one nice touch is that you allied generals have the same property, so knocking down enemy generals while near your own allies will sometimes cause them to use meat buns and attack x2’s themselves. i won yi ling after liu bei had been reduced to an invisible sliver of health by knocking down a general near him, which caused him to use a full health meat bun.
im beginning to realize that i like samurai warriors 4+ WAY FUCKING MORE than dynasty warriors, i cant go back to not having a hyper attack
playing them in order is smart because I can never go back to the games with LESS FEATURES
i started up dynasty warriors 4!
it’s a lot less colorful so far. technically better graphics but it feels like someone turned the saturation down too far
so, first impressions of 4
it’s good! musou mode got a huge overhaul and it seems way more palatable now. the stages have been split into substages. they are similarly sized to the old stages, but less sprawling and the base character movement speeds feels much faster
more technical breakdown of all the differences:
gate captains don’t drop upgrades anymore, and now your weapon gets XP based on your combos and levels up instead of you having to pick up new ones. good calls imo. this one feels a lot snappier in terms of flow and pacing too
oh and i did make my own general but it seems like i need to unlock more stuff first before that will be particularly worthwhile
some very important changes in this game: musou mode looks to be eminently beatable on normal without grinding, and this seems mostly due to the mook AI being far less aggressive, as well as the mooks having probably 15-20% less HP than in 3. this changes the vibe a lot. the mooks matter a fair bit less and the officers matter much more