DAPHNY CLAN UPDATE. it is the summer of 1551. so far half of kyushu has come under control of the daphny clan. we are over 26,000 men strong as we prepare to take on the oda clan.
our daimyo daphny decided to marry the clan strategist, mitsunari ishida, because…uh, daphny saved him in a battle i guess. he has colorful hair and was nice to them. and now they’re in love.
ugh i played more DW3 last night and the critical part of my brain tried to interject i think i just silenced it and was like
shut the fuck up
i’m killin’ dudes
3 is incredibly enjoyable. i only just realized 3 added co-op over 2. even if that was the only addition, 3 would have been amazing! but there’s so much more… weapons with additional combos, items, selectable bodyguards, more cutscenes, more voice acting… it’s so good ;_;
i am very jealous of veronica and daphny playing co-op, i need to rope my brother into playing with me aaaaaaa
Playstation Now has a lot of KoeiTecmo stuff on there and I just realized it has some musous that I wouldn’t to pay for, like Legends of Troy and Warriors All-Star. Probably worth trying those out if they’re there though.
OK, that explains why i was wondering a bit here, since i’ve been playing SW4 for up to 50ish hours by now, and haven’t seen those backgrounds or shots of Oda’s Ambition being declared like that.
Motochika x Koshosho team tag coop is rad as hell, and imho can only be surpassed by even more bizarre Orochi 3 triplets
showing off the DW4 pc port i was telling @iguferon about - check the massively improved resolution (1920x1440), draw distance, and number of enemies. apparently the ai is also improved. it looks somehow weird in that familiar console-to-pc-port way! still pretty nice tbh
(also i couldn’t figure out what the button mappings were so i’m wandering around getting the shit beat out of me)
There’s a DW5 pc port in a similar state (I believe it’s also a bundling of the original+xtreme legends stuff) but no way to get english text iirc. I have a 360 disc of it but it’s one of those region-locked discs that don’t play on a non-hacked US 360 and I couldn’t be bothered to get it to work.
There was one musou game i played where after you unlocked an ending you could put any character you had in that ending and I remember making one four Lu Bus