difficulty kind of works ike that in all these games except in the later ones where you can actually start the game on normal and play through it without having to grind (i always end up raising the difficulty anyway)
When I was little and Dynasty Warriors 2 came out I played it on easy and had a really fun time. I told my friend I was playing one easy but he always complained about how difficult the game was. Eventually I told him to just play it on easy, and the next game he came back mad at me saying I was bragging about how easy the game was but it was all because I was playing on easy mode. But I’m pretty sure I told him that a long time ago.
I think musou are made with character leveling in mind as you move up the difficulties, but I always start on Hard in the newer games because normal is too easy. Hard can be very easy too until you’re hitting bosses later in a game, just because they dish out so much damage in a single hit or combo. I would die a ton in One Piece 1 and Fist of the North Star 1, losing all of my progress in a level since there are no checkpoints, but it was really fun figuring out the most optimal way to utilize a game’s mechanics to juggle someone to death while also running away as quickly as possible when needed. I don’t know that I’d have the time to spend on such an effort nowdays though. God know how many hours of lost progress there was.
the deeper you get into the series the easier to get into they get because you’re just more powerful in general but also they let you change the difficulty at any time (and in warriors orochi 3/4 there are reasons you would want to play on a specific difficulty for example) so it’s good. musou games can be rly challenging or chill and that’s great imo
streaming dw3 now
edit: cut stream short due to not feeling great, might stream more later
i did immediately notice that 3 is just straight up 2: but better in every way so far. it’s nice! looks better, the animations seem smoother, the hitboxes less janky, and no more annoying power up spam when you knock down generals
ALSO WOW i just realized that i have additional heroes unlocked in dw3 due to the game detecting my dw2 save data: da qiao, lu xun, ma chao, wei yan, xu zhu, & zhen wei are all unlocked!!!
i spoke too soon, generals still do some bullshit when you knock them down in 3, it is just less common
also if you run away to find power ups, you’ll come back and they’ve got all their health back
alright same deal, it is nearly impossible to progress beyond the second stage in musou mode, on normal difficulty in DW3 as well - unless you grind in free mode. i don’t understand why they couldn’t have balanced the game around being able to finish the default difficulty without being forced to grind in between missions and had “normal” just be called “hard” and have “hard” be called “very hard” - it seems that would make more sense.
(TO BE FAIR they do let you change difficulty at any time in the options. honestly it would have made more sense to take it out of the options menu and just have a selector when picking the stage, at least in free mode)
or maybe i just don’t get along with the way they decided to do things. i want the challenge!!! but it’s obnoxious to realize 10 minutes into a mission that it may as well be impossible
easy mode is way too fucking easy - you can mostly just walk up to the final boss of each stage and kill them! normal is nearly literally impossible past the second stage! there is no happy medium!
i expect the third and maybe even all the levels are beatable if you are extremely good at the game, but when i was watching speedruns of 2 i didn’t exactly see any tech i wasn’t already using. it’s not like THEY weren’t getting hit - they were just doing things efficiently. i don’t think you can avoid getting hit! and if you can’t avoid getting hit, these stat checks are always going to force you into grinding.
there’s so much content in these games without needing to force the player to grind. the FIRST game in the shin sangoku musou series has 28 playable characters with totally unique movesets, and 8 giant levels. they keep adding more in nearly every game! it doesn’t really need the padding!
i think maybe i should just turn it on easy and see what happens. DW3 is different from 2 in that there are more levels available in free mode by default, including ones i haven’t been to in musou mode yet. lots of these levels seem really difficult!
i do at least know that in 3, you get better weapons/items on higher difficulties, and the best weapons can only be found on Hard
god 3 really is just 2: better
i underestimated how much more enjoyable it is in general, which makes the grinding far more palatable
Sounds like someone needs a Spartan Total Warrior break
Sounds like someone needs a Drakengard break
these games are fucking addictive, shit
argh i keep thinking of replaying ninety nine nights somebody top me
oh my god that fucking typo im leaving it i meant stop though. I MEANT STOP
i’m streaming dw3 currently, might do some KF speedruns later
kill the goblins and avenge your father
Now cannot stop thinking
SOMEbody TOP me!!
that looks like Samurai Warriors 4 II, isn’t it.
speaking of SW4 (1), i finally managed to snap a picture of Gōtō Handō in action,
similarities to other vidyagems main dorks/antagonists are totally coincidental, I swear.
Yes, I’ve opted for the longest sword there was, it somehow goes with his outfit best.
Totally not considering sending a screenshot to SQEX and ask them to totally not redress one minor character in one of their minor, under-the-radar remakes they have releaed recently itt!
its just 4! i was playing co op with my combo maxed out most of the time
just 9999 PULSATING on my screen, holy shit the combos persist for a long time, and in two player you share your combo so you can keep it going an entire level
it’s fun finally getting to play dynasty warriors co-op cuz i like how having 2 players really changes your strategy and its nice to see there’s characters other than the twinks I always pick