Red Dead Redemption 2

The Duck of Death

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This might be my ignorance of the field speaking, but I’ve thought the end of an era feel has become more pronounced nowadays, although the genre as such is not really booming anymore as it once was. But as far as the 50s TV series for example are concerned, I don’t think there was such a strong feeling of “end of an era”.

As for RDR2, I’m semi-excited. The world will be fantastic, no doubt, but I bet the action gameplay and shootey parts will be as yawn-inducing as every other Rockstar game.

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RDR’s shooting was real good imo

There had better be cougar-men and other oddities in this game


It plateaued early but it wasn’t bad at all

when i saw the protagonist shooting a revolver in one hand while holding a shotgun on the other i got real sad there isn’t more max payne :frowning:


I don’t care for rockstar lock on and chomp away at the dots on the radar with a controller shooting

I think part of the issue of earlier westerns is you’d end up with like, Bleeding Kansas, which, yeah, that would own but who wants to actually deal with slavery in media ever?

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I mean I have my doubts that Rockstar is up to threading the needle but the decision to cast the player as William Clarke Quantrill and run the tutorial during the Lawrence Massacre is certainly a bold one.

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Almost sure to be the most nuanced take on playing a canonical war criminal since Spec Ops: The Line though!


Oh I turned lock on all the way off, that makes the bullet time actually a worthwhile powerup you have to plan around and the rest of the gunfighting a big inaccurate John Woo sprayfest


I laughed but honestly if video games every tried to pull some shit like that I’d be done with the hobby.

It seems like a pretty plausible scenario to me.

I give it a 17% chance.

Never bet on the good taste and common decency of the Housers.

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Is RDR the One True R* Game? I have never been able to get into GTA but I liked LA Noire as a campy adventure game.


Yeah it’s by far the best honestly. I never did play Bully though

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unless it’s bully

i want bully 2 as a 4k triple-a freakgame


Yeah, Bully & Red Dead Redemption were a couple of quality games. I feel like GTA’s legacy of emergent mayhem has been holding it back. “I got so sick of failing that mission, I decided to go blow up some cars with a rocket launcher!” You can’t really reproduce that kind of play in the school and western settings. That sure didn’t stop them from trying, but with much less of the power-tripping gameplay available, I feel like they put more effort into making other kinds of play rewarding.