Red Dead Redemption 2

red dead 2 is explicitly about a hard man who learns the benefit of being soft so like, as friend said at some poimt a critic needs to admit theyre contrarian because they like bitcjing


Still playing this, in the post-game now. Itā€™s a great sequel to a great game. Iā€™m going to 100% it and get all the achievements (eventually).

does the character creator for the online support making someone like this

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I havenā€™t seen anyone that pretty or stylish.

could just be cause nobody is trying. I was the only gta online character I ever saw who looked 50 years old


I caught tuberculosis and I think Iā€™m into this game now.

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just got to epilogue part 1 and itā€™s looking like yet another recent masterwork that just went completely over sbā€™s head. I donā€™t know if you all just want every game to be a textureless wireframe vr missions version of itself (zzzzz) or youā€™re scared of someone walking in on you taking a videogame cutscene seriously (Iā€™m too old and unhip for that kind of insecurity) and would rather just make fun of physics glitches or what.

I played on pc and didnā€™t have any issues with overly complicated controls. shooting was just max payne 3 with old time guns and having to manually work the hammers.

I donā€™t think Iā€™ve ever been as in sync with a videogame protagonist as arthur. he seemed like kind of a dumb and mean guy whose secretly thoughtful in his journalings and exagerates his dumbness and meanness when heā€™d go out to collect money from people so I tried to play him like that. and dutch, I wanted to believe him the whole game, heā€™s so good at having a reasonable explanation for everything he does constantly, and at least at some point had a genuine belief in this kind of outlaw values world he was trying to build etc. so I want what heā€™s saying to be real.

then when you get sick, I had completely forgot about the beginning of the game where you beat up the sick guy, Iā€™d played that a couple months prior before I really started in on the game, so I was thinking things like ā€œwhatā€™s happening? this canā€™t be right? things were fine a minute ago! there must be some mistakeā€ like Iā€™d really got a bad diagnosis myself. now all the sudden Iā€™m trying to turn things around, give away my money, live right etc. itā€™s sad, and sad reading arthurā€™s violent thoughtful cowboy man thoughts on all this. but when he finally goes and confronts dutch/dad, heā€™s staring at the ground and kind of mumbling, but he does it, the hardest thing heā€™s done the entire game. real good shit.

I loved the guarma chapter too when the game suddenly turns into something like the end of the original novel The Getaway for a bit. I canā€™t help but love those metaphorical hell consequences for crime in stories even though crime is actually good. and itā€™s nothing but hell from the minute hosea goes down in the botched bank job for a while til the end. and how great the game is with depicting the mood in the camp during chapter six when itā€™s all over and done with. you finally ride in towards the end and micah suddenly has his own creepy shooters with him and weā€™re split between the normals and the psychopath faction. what an atmosphere.

I was trying to figure out why this game looks so good and I noticed itā€™s not trying to look realistic at all itā€™s trying to look like detailed concept art in motion. itā€™s really easily noticeable in low res youtube thumbnails. every screenshot I take looks like concept art when I zoom in on it. I thought the foilage on trees looked strange at first but it was because itā€™s trying to look painterly instead of real. Itā€™s the infinite budget version of disco elysiumā€™s visuals.

wonder if thereā€™s anything to dan houserā€™s last two games before leaving rockstar are one about having ā€œwonā€ and just being rich and miserable for it before being dragged back into it one more time by your psychopath best friend (sam houser? the gta audience?) followed by one about escaping an outlaw dream thatā€™s soured and run itā€™s course and trying to be the best person you can with what time you have



the problem with marston as the post game free roam character is I donā€™t want him to be doing anything but staying home with his wife and farm. I donā€™t want to be going off doing robberies when heā€™s got little jack at home

I donā€™t know how it would work but I hope they figure out some way in the online to let you buy one of those precut houses, build it, and spend all day farming to finally drive a wagon into town to sell some chicken eggs for 15 dollars. No, just playing harvest moon instead wouldnā€™t work. I need all the violence and whatnot out there in the rest of the world to be escaping from.

I never paid off my bounties in the story mode and I recommend playing that way


They could do a lot with a domestic setting, online or not. They need to add animal husbandry to the game. I want to raise a flock of sheep and have to train a sheep dog to help me watch out for wolves. You can shoot an animal or a person and watch their corpse slowly decay into a skeleton over a long enough time but you canā€™t watch your pet goat grow up from being a little baby that you helped itā€™s mother birth into the world and there is simply no good reason why not.


Itā€™s really great the way they introduce saint denis in the game, a poisonous blight on the landscape, all those clanging industrial sounds, the electrical buzz of 1899 street lamps, densely packed with people (itā€™s a lot more emptied out online unfortunately). and strange to suddenly hear ringing telephones too, which you donā€™t even hear in the real world anymore


Basically caught up in the PC version to where I abandoned the PS4 version, and it only took me nearly 50 hours!! Chapter 6. This game is so damn long. I only occasionally hate that.

Noticed Colin Stetson in the soundtrack by just identifying his trademark saxophone. Some good intense tracks!


their music production remains so, so good


Playing this I realize, oh shit, I gotta replay MGSV; I got to play the best Metal Gear Solid again!