Rainbow Six Siege is the best hero shooter and best milsim

oh! geez! seriously? I thought that died with, like, xbox live

This game is more approachable than I thought and most of the people Iā€™m playing with are worse than me, so thatā€™s something!

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yeah, and they added non-peer multiplayer servers like a week or two ago. having only peer connection was one of the biggest gripes most people had with the game and pretty much killed the playerbase.

iā€™m kind of getting into this. canā€™t call out any locations or any characters, but iā€™m starting to understand it! still havenā€™t played the same map more than once. how many are there??

(none of the above is necessary at my ELO, but seemed more necessary at Felixā€™s)

thereā€™s likeā€¦ 10-ish maps and 40 characters

youā€™ll get there, the game feels very good right after you crack that nut

I think the matchmaking actually strives to rotate maps for you which is nice, but I think it also does a deliberately poor job of varying the objective location between rounds of one match, which is interesting

lots of maps only use like half the geography depending on placement

Yeah the map rotation is kinda weird. I set all maps to off except for plane in matchmaking preferences and got every map except plane. I donā€™t know why! I wanted to drill and learn one map after the other. Guess I canā€™t do that

iirc the matchmaking preferences donā€™t really work.

There are 18 maps Felix Iā€™ve still only played most 1 time and Iā€™m not even sure if Iā€™ve played all the maps yet.

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huh, youā€™re right!

I just checked and Iā€™ve played them all at least a few times each apart from Favela which I guess was taken out of rotation over a year ago

Yacht was removed too

Yacht is back in casual now, they took Bartlett out instead.

Favela is available only in Terrorist Hunt. A shame, since itā€™s prolly one of my favorite maps. Just crazy amounts of destructability. Unfortunately people were crying about how unbalanced it was and it was taken out.

Rainbow Six Siege is the best hero shooter and best milsim


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meanwhile ubi gonna ubi with the elite skins

this game reminded me that Red Faction Guerrilla is still being patched (as with Worms Armageddon, itā€™s deservedly gotten the series high point treatment), and the multi is actually fun for a goof after youā€™ve finished the (early 360 era sparse but just starting to turn it around in 2009) open world single player, and dang do I love games with destructible environments. Itā€™s obviously hard (from both a design and an engine perspective) to do well but the flexibility is just so good.

the pacing of ā€œOK hereā€™s a level structure, you have like 40 seconds to decide how you want to cover it and reinforce aspects of it before itā€™s all up for grabsā€ is a million times more interesting to me than building a base from scratch but I have to imagine it scratches the same itch for people who do like the latter?

Q for the vets: who should I unlock next?

I got IQ, fuze, bandit, and smoke from starter edition (pretty fun picks considering two of them were randomized, I forget which ones though), unlocked twitch through XP, then I bought the year 3 pass through GMG so I got lion + finka + whoever the next 6 characters they release this year will be, and I got ela with the leftover bonus money from the pass. so thatā€™s 8 total right now and eventually 14 for like ā€¦ $40 total?

I have enough XP to get another OG character, and Iā€™m thinking of grabbing another staple like ash / mute / thatcherā€¦

thatcher is almost essential pick in teams, depending on the location.

with mute, remember to jam the reinforced walls, not waste them on drones.

kapkan is pretty good too, people always keep falling into his trap.

Give Ash a shot, sheā€™s only got 1 health but her strategy is simple enough. Just blow through a wall and hold down a sightline. Usually defenders get antsy and run right to you.

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Just want to say that, despite saying Iā€™ll never have time, Iā€™ve played about 26 hours of this game. Itā€™s really fucking good.

I think that the community is (mostly) chill partially because dying is often hilarious. Last night Milkman and I were dead and it was one of our guys vs. 2 defenders. He caught one off guard and killed him, then threw a shock drone to look for the last one. Milkman mentioned ā€œhey, thereā€™s a trap right there,ā€ and the guy was like ā€œi knowā€

Once he found the last guy and shocked him a couple of times, he went back to his normal view and immediately stepped on the trap and died.

It was hilarious.

I was in a bathroom on some map just minding my own business when Milkman drops down from the ceiling and, in a panic, shoots me in the head even though weā€™re on the same team.

Fucking hilarious. And I ended up shooting him in the ass the next round.

This game is really funny and I think thatā€™s undervalued


how come when I logged back in recently all the original characters and item attachments were unlocked