how the hell do i fight this guy
he just turns up and murders me, i don’t think i’ve even landed a hit on him
What was the first TATE arcade game and why did they decide to go vertical…that’s the question I asked myself at bedtime last night…
use one of the screen clearing super moves basically is what i’ve found. you have to input fighting game-style move inputs and also only the japanese version of the game has them
i’m playing alpha renewal, which i think does have the moves in, so i’ll try that
possibly space invaders? and i assume it was to put more distance between the invaders and the player
In the “World” version as Flame I did a dash kick (f,f,K?) that took him out in two or three hits I think.
Not sure but google led me to
Pin Pong, 1974
Hm KLOV’s page on Pin Pong
says it’s “Horizontal” orientation, but the video they have sure makes it look more vertical:
MobyGames calls it “Portrait” orientation:
~ ~ ~
Speed Race, Nov. 1974 – but that article is about vertically SCROLLING games, specifically.
It’s another one KLOV calls orientation “Horizontal”
but sure looks vertical:
A long time ago, there was a text based browser game, possibly only accessible with a Facebook account. I remember very little other than at one point, you are forced to don a suit which has bristles on the inside and the process of your skin being rubbed raw is described in detail.
It had that kind of existentialist, absurdist Bureaucracy Hell kind of thing going on, along with body horror. Does anyone remember it?
is Metroid Prime (GC) supposed to be impossibly dark at points? I just went through the crashed ship and got to the Phazon Mines and I can barely see anything.
Those screenshots look quite readable on my PC monitor–maybe slightly dim, but I can see all the detail in the shadowy areas.
The remaster had a fun thing where the heat vision didn’t really work like it should, so even though it’s supposed to help you get through the lights out section, it’s still dark as shit.
Maybe it was always that way!
The colors seem accurate, even if the screen is stretched. i feel like what’s hurting you is the higher resolution making the textures too sharp, so you paying attention to the texture detail instead of the geometry.
Can someone try to explain to me how scoring in ESP Ra De works? I feel like the more I try to understand it the less sense it makes and the worse I end up doing.
From what I can tell, you use the special shot to spray onto enemies and then kill them with regular shots to get a score multiplier? What determines the multiplier number, is it how charged up your special shot is, or how much is touching the enemy before you kill them?
Does using the special shot again after gaining a multiplier add to the multiplier or replace it? Sometimes it seems like I’ll see an 8x come out of a big enemy, then immediately after it’ll be a 4x when cleaning up the small guys around it.
thanks I boosted the brightness on my laptop screen and could actually see stuff.
Scoring and chaining in this game is complicated.
The multiplier is how much power shot sprayed the enemy before you killed it with a normal shot. The max multiplier is x16 because that’s the max amount of power shots in one spray. It only counts for non-popcorn enemies. After getting a multiplier, it lasts a little longer for popcorn enemies. There’s a timer that ticks down before you lose the multiplier.
For big enemies, there’s a timing component that confuses me. I guess you have to make sure your final shots that kill the enemy are 15 power shots and one normal for you to get the full multiplier. There’s a challenge in the room decorating mode where you can practice this.
You also go through three different phases. The first phase is powering up. Every big enemy you shoot down gives you power ups that make your shot stronger. After you fully power up, you reach the second phase where every big enemy gives you score items instead. There’s a counter that initially hits a max of 200 for these score items and once you reach the max, you enter the third phase. In the third phase, two things can happen. If you used your shield, energy items appear and help you recharge it. Then, your score unit counter resets and the max becomes higher. The other thing that can happen is more score items pop out of enemies than usual and your chains last longer. This only happens if you have a full shield meter.
Hope this helps
Thanks, that clears it up a bit. I think putting it into practice is the tricky part though lol.
I had no idea what the blue energy pickups were about but that makes sense now
In the EGM Issue 100 Top 100 Games List they have a sidebar by Akira Nishitani of Street Fighter 2 fame. He says one of top 10 favorite games is
Dungeon series - Arcade
What is this?
capcom dungeons and dragons is gonna be my guess but i have no idea
that’s the only thing i can think of that’s an arcade series with dungeon in the name. other than that, there’s taito’s dungeon magic, which has a sequel entitled arabian magic.
are ok to buy from, or are they one of those sites that cause developers trouble by selling stolen keys?
to the best of my knowledge, CDKeys is still grey market but their schtick is that they buy unsold keys from official channels and resell those, which is why games that already sell well have lower discounts than games that are selling terribly