Quick Questions XVI: Answer Time Lore

I found a few on Wikimedia Commons too:


I put out some copies of my not Zelda tilesets for free. There are a lot of adjacent tile sets on my itch too


I actually bought this a few years back because I liked that it had a red foliage variant, but every time I download it, it triggers my anti-virus.

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That’s one of those things I’ve been dreaming of doing forever!

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I don’t know if I’ve said it before but thanks for doing these! I grabbed them on itch right as soon as you launched them.

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Blueretro got pressure-sense support recently as well, unless you want to go wired I think that probably wins on all fronts now (price, features, remapping frontend, aesthetics, etc). Only remaining advantage for Brook Wingman is the USB option

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Anyone have any opinions on Alan Wake vs the Remastered version? I’ve never played a Remedy game before.

In a general sense I tend to not really like the way remastered games look so I’m leaning heavily towards getting the (cheaper) original on steam but if there’s something in the remaster that makes it worth it lmk

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remastered version is bad, fucks up the animations on enemies, glitchy all over, looks worse


i played the original 360 version via back compat recently and it looked fantastic. all that original lighting tech but at 60fps. so if the steam version is anything like that, definitely that way.

hmm maybe I should pick up a disc

actually…I have an Xbone collecting dust I could probably try back compat mode with some of these games…

dang. I played the Remastered version but never finished. did not know there was a major difference. for the record I didn’t notice any weirdness and thought it was awesome if a little bit too cleaned up.

Does anybody know how I can adapt the MediaWiki InfoBoxNeue module so it populates the infobox the way you would a normal infobox within the article itself? The way it seems to be out of the box is you either hardcode it in per article or use some of the pre-defined fields. I tried editing it a bit for several hours, but didn’t have much luck. Don’t know too much LUA or MediaWiki, so I have no clue what I’m doing ultimately.

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If you do try this at any point I would be excited to read any posts about it you might write ^^


I have one of those online Switch vouchers expiring in less than 2 weeks, so I guess I need to just use it up or lose it. I’ve got all the obvious 1st party games that can be used on it, and none of the other recent games really grabbed me enough to be able to want to pick them up.

The ones I was considering were Mario Wonder, Mario RPG and Pikmin 4.

Mario Wonder mostly looked to me like another New Super Mario Bros, but with a few extra gimmicks. Does that sound about right or does it actually manage to do something fresh and new?
I enjoyed Mario RPG when I played it on the SNES mini years ago, but never really felt compelled to complete it.
Pikmin 4 looks pretty cool I guess.

What did people here think of these ones? Like if you were going to pick just one of those which seems to be the best? Otherwise if there’s any other valid games that might have gone under the radar feel free to suggest those.

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I tried replaying Mario RPG 2 years ago and bounced right off it but I loved the remake. daphny’s thread did a great job of capturing the excitement of playing it.

Pikmin 4 was a good time but I totally lost interest once I got to the final stage and haven’t gone back to it.


I ended up completely adoring Mario rpg against all odds. highly recommended


Just got mad at a facebook barf post about “celebrity cameos in Video Games” and it was Mads in Death Stranding, Willem DeFoe in Beyond Two Souls, etc.

Can y’all think of any actual Celebrity Cameos in games? Bill Clinton in NBA Jam?


I guess the obvious one would be the Yakuza games, eg Eri in Yak7, the pornstar hostesses in Zero, Ikinari Steak guy in Judgment etc

If you also mean like little caricatures of celebs snuck into games, there’s a guy in heaven in Soleil I am pretty sure is supposed to be John Lennon


Shaquille O’Neal, Bill Clinton, Hilary Clinton and Michael Jackson in Ready 2 Rumble Boxing Round 2.


Burt Reynolds in Saints Row 3.