Quick Questions XV: Episode Prompto

Mean Bean Machine and Shanghai were my aunt’s favorite video games.


there were enough fans that the jp-only puyo games on ds got fan translations, at least


Puyo Puyo Tetris came out in 2014 but wasn’t localized for the West until 2017. There are probably various reasons for this (Sega was neglecting lots of noteworthy Japanese games at the time, think there also may have been some Tetris Company licensing bullshit – I think there was no downloadable version at first because of them) but Puyo’s lack of name recognition over here had to play a big part. Many of the Puyo games were not released in America. Fever only came out on GBA and GC here and I am pretty sure it didn’t move many copies. There were no official English releases for DS or Wii, which is wild considering all the garbage that was flooding the market at the time.

The games def had a fanbase but I don’t think it was of any great size in America. Even in PPT most players I ran into were just doing Tetris. (I count myself among them – I never got good at Puyo!!) It’s cool how many more people are into it now though.


Has anyone had an issue where you pull old cables out of a drawer after a few years of not looking at them, and parts of the cable sheathing have like, melted/become sticky?

First: What the hell
Second: Anyone had success destickying? My old Game Boy link cables have gone all melty in a drawer and that sucks


Question: do you possibly have some sort of microwave corridor nearby to deter infiltrators from disabling the supercomputers that operate the world government? Because if such a corridor wasn’t put together correctly, that could melt your cable sleeves.


No idea about this melting problem and it’s never happened to me, but looks like you can buy a Gameboy link cable (either GBC or GBA) for $7 on Amazon if you ever want one.

That tends to be true for everything nowadays so I’ve dumped most of my “just in case” cables/adapters/chargers I used to have boxes of


A lot of cheap soft plastics turn back into oily goop/crumbly powder after a while. You can usually clean them off with soapy water, although they’ll probably keep breaking down until nothing’s left.


I need to rip Heimat film series. What’s a good freeware program in Windows to do so? Easy to use :grin:

  • Onimusha 2
  • Onimusha 3

0 voters

Only 3 has Jean Reno, the choice is clear


is disgaea one of those by-otaku-for-otaku kinda things or is there more to it? sometimes i get the urge to try it and then i see etna’s character design and change my mind


when i started reading this post, i assumed this was going to refer to all the numbers

my main memory of trying to play disgaea many years ago is that there were a fucking lot of numbers

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it probably is in the sense that it’s very like a comedy anime. it’s fun and maybe kinda stupid sometimes? the characters are cute. :woman_shrugging:

i’m biased because i have disgaea figurines on the shelf and refuse to acknowledge they are anything but adorable


yea i have essentially the same opinion, i played disgaea on the DS yearrrrs ago before i’d really watched any anime or whatever makes one an otaku and found it very enjoyable.

etna’s outfit is indeed a bit of a problem, but honestly it fits her personality well. i just wish she didn’t look like a child…she is great though, and i love all of those characters a lot.

i wish they would port the MST3K mode from the DS port to the modern ports somehow though. it’s my favorite part of that game

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Disgaea 1 hits a happy meeting ground for otaku silliness with some Disney or fairytale cartoon schmaltz. Its the right kind of playground to just watch hijinks and some softer tender moments happen. After that its kind of a toss up. D2 has fun characters and a neat enough set up but doesn’t really go anywhere satisfying. D3 is fun but kinda loses it self with all the reverse good/bad demon world logic at some point. Barely touched D4 or D5. The starter maps and story scenes didn’t leave strong impressions.

The games themselves are mostly number playgrounds instead of sound tactical exercises. It all comes down to how hard you want to hit the side systems to make your numbers go up. There’s a lot of content in them if you do decided to dig deep but all comes down to the time you want to invest.


D4 is really really charming imo. D5 has the most engaging systems but I remember shit all about the plot.

D6 is garbage

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I love FFT, and Disgaea was always sold to me as the next step, but those visuals just weren’t for me. Always wondered how much I was missing out on. I thought someone mentioned Saga-style consumable weapons at some point so that made me feel a bit more comforted in my stance.

I feel like one of those people who were pissed about Wind Waker being too gorgeous, but I yam what I yam.

I could see some sparks in D4 but I didn’t stick long enough. Some of the characters felt a little to forced to be quirky at the start. I liked the idea it had where you are kind of claiming territory from other kingdoms as a progression system but felt to gated at the start. My secret fantasy game is some kind of Disgaea style game but with some 4X elements where you are expanding and establishing your own kingdom.

This isn’t a thing in Disgaea games. It’s kind of a thing in Phantom Brave but its really hard to lose anything permanently that you can’t just replace or repair. Disgeaa in my eyes is the arcade version of the FFT mold. It’s less cerebral but more flashy and satisfying to baser desires of numbers getting big.

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That makes it sounds good! That’s not helping!


wanted to say thanks for all the thoughts and opinions y’all! i’ll give one a try sometime when i’m in the mood.