Quick Questions XV: Episode Prompto

I hate this I rememeber every single game I played from my childhood I want something to build up in my head for 30 years so I can be disappointed when I finally find it!! not fair!!!


Thisā€¦ actually might be it??? I recall the shore being oriented in the other direction, and itā€™s been 30 years so everything in my head is fuzzyā€¦ but that sure seems to be an awfully lot like it.

Wow, Iā€™ve mentioned this many places (including multiple times on SB) with no luck and didnā€™t expect any different this time so Iā€™m a bit gobsmacked. Thanks?!?!


Yeah, the screenshots here look different to my memories as well, so i think the illustrations may have been redrawn across the various different platforms.


My favorite thing about this is its insistence on all these heroes wearing red armor, which doensā€™t generally seem to be the case.

Alcazar looks pretty rad tbh

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My washer/dryer is making awful grinding sounds when washing and the dryer function no longer works. Everything just comes out soaking wet.

Anybody have a good idea on how to begin to troubleshoot this?

The manual is useless but I am very obstinate and refuse to call a service engineer until I have at the very least made the situation worse through meddling.

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does anyone remember a thread, maybe in galaxy oddity, maybe also on sb1, about games that capture ā€œthe spirit of adventureā€, ala grandia?


thatā€™s an interesting prompt

first things that come to mind for me are SNES-era games like Illusion of Gaia and Final Fantasy IV

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I assume this is electric, so if everything else is working fine it could be that the heating element died. If this is passably modern and has any kind of display (even just a digital readout), theyā€™ll usually throw up an error code when something is busted that you can look up in the manual or online.

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The easy and safe stuff to check physically is whether the unit is level and the exhaust is clear.

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Yeah, start saving money for the replacement you are unfortunately gonna have to purchase :frowning:

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Also when the load is done is there still water sloshing around in there, or are the clothes just wet? If the former, itā€™s a drainage problem. Pump could be broken, but it might just be clogged.

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But - and I cannot stress this enough - you should just call the repair guy.


Iā€™ve got a strange inquiry that Iā€™m not sure where to look for. Is there a good comprehensive list of smallish games? Microgames if you will. The kind of game you can play for less than 10 minutes and feel some kind of satisfaction. Iā€™m thinking something on the scale of like Tiger electronics games or even the better days of mobile games like Ziggurat. Right now iā€™m on a waiting list for an arduboy that looks like an ecosystem for such experiences. Even something like a quick burst of brain age challenges sound nice. Right now I have one of those water color sort games on my phone to get a quick dopamine hit between work tasks. I feel like someone somewhere would be making a list of ADHD aid games. I donā€™t mean games that fuel or feed off those tendencies but something to change gears and let you get back to something else in a timely manner.


Early games where ā€œtime to creditā€ was a design metric. Iā€™m thinking of Defender, Gravitar, and Joust specifically. Maybe not the best for limited control schemes though.

Idk, a lot of PC Engine games fit thisā€¦Alien Crush, Galaga 88, Pac-Land. The list goes on.


i got banned from humble bundle? for no reason?
has this ever happened to anyone else?


Oh hell, how?

Hopefully itā€™s just a Soylent spore-fueled coding error or something?

Is there a good reason to hack someoneā€™s account for some sort of mass up or down voting?

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looked into a bit more and it seems like itā€™s some sort of bug. it displays a weird message ab my account being ā€™ inactive '. can still see my keys and stuff tho, so idk


Quick historical question: did Puyo Puyo actually have any substantial English fanbase before Puyo Puyo Tetris, or what? I know Segaā€™s earliest Puyo output was localised, but I feel increasingly like Puyotet and its sequel completely dominate the perception of Puyo in the Anglosphere.


I donā€™t have an answer to your question, but I did find a little time capsule from 29 years ago while poking around for contemporary discussion on the earliest localizations


David Han

Feb 14, 1994, 12:21:45 AM

This game is kinda neat, but I canā€™t figure out a strategy to play it well in scenario mode. I canā€™t get by the second guy. Iā€™ve gotten close, but I canā€™t put together enough combos to put him away.

Does anybody have any tips on playing Mean Bean Machine? any sort of basic strategy, what kind of colums to build to make multiple clears(or whatever you wanna call escaping beans)

I was wondering what Puyo Puyo was like, actually. What it looked like, was there a story behind it like in Mean Beanā€¦ that kinda thing. Does Puyo Puyo mean anything?
I saw something in a magazine showing shots of Puyo Puyo 2 and I remember something that looked like a big bean (or blob), does this happen in the original game?



I think Puyo Puyo was fairly well known to game-liking people, in part due to Puyo Pop Fever being localised and available on several different platforms. Looking at wikipedia it seems like it was more widely available in Europe.

When i bought it on the psp my feeling was ā€œthis is the latest version of the older Puyo Puyo games i have read people talking about onlineā€ ā€¦

some of those people were definitely into it, but idk if that counts as a substantial fanbase or not

personally, i still think of puyo puyo as itā€™s own thing but im quite cut off from modern game life