Quick Questions XV: Episode Prompto

I gifted my boyfriend a steam deck but he only has like 20 games. The Orange Box, Portal 2, New Vegas, Metal Gear Rising, Dead Rising, Left 4 Dead 1 and 2, Kane and Lynch 2, Elder Scrolls: Oblivion, Pathologic, and Star Wars: KOTOR.

What games should I buy for him all at once before he yells at me to stop spending money on games?


If the list of games here is any indication of present taste, Iā€™d recommend The Forgotten City and G String.


Play DivOS2 coop together

Disco Elysium




Whatā€™s the best game in the Trails RPG series?

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I think a lot of people will say the first game is the best. Lowest stakes, world is well developed, hasnā€™t yet devolved into most of its shonen trappings yet. I think the two Crossbell games are my personal favorite though, really enjoy that setting. IMO you canā€™t go wrong with starting with Trails in the Sky and moving onto 2nd if you really liked it and going from there. Definitely do not start with Trails of Cold Steel. Not that it absolutely requires playing the ones before it, but the 3d loses a lot of the old Ys engine charm and itā€™s bloated/paced extremely poorly. 4 games (100 hours each no less) that couldā€™ve been 2.

I still enjoyed every single one of them and am eagerly awaiting Reverie (although Iā€™d much rather be looking forward to the one AFTER that which is in a new country), but Iā€™m a lost cause. To me, theyā€™re comfort food, but if Iā€™d started with the 3d games Iā€™d probably be just bored to tears.


Iā€™m trying to look up which games are the crossbell ones but the first thing I found was this extremely long in-universe article which didnā€™t answer the question at all

Oh gamers, never change


crossbell is these two (also on switch):

Azure (the second one) actually officially comes out next week. i played a bad machine translation of it years ago and still consider them my fav so go figure


just to note in case you didnā€™t know: the whole series is one continuous timeline taking place in the same world but across different countries, old characters making cameos etc. the ā€œarcsā€ themselves are self-contained enough but it definitely rewards starting from the absolute first game, which probably doesnā€™t do the series any favors for attracting new fans. you could feasibly start with trails of cold steel 1 (please donā€™t) but if you started with say, trails of cold steel 3, youā€™d be lost.


Yeah I donā€™t mind that sort of thing, I skipped Book 3 of Earthsea when I started to get a little bored with it, and enjoyed reconstructing what happened in it from the allusions to it in books 4-6


For what itā€™s worth Iā€™ve always heard the Crossbell games were generally considered the best, long before localizations of those were in view. I guess itā€™s all been downhill since 2011!

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Yeah no confidence in Falcom to make something not bloated until proven otherwise.

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Open-ended question here: thereā€™s this Twitch channel, twitch.tv/touhou_replay_showcase, which is just pro Touhou players (pro = has 1CCā€™d Lunatic difficulty in several of the games) watching viewer-submitted 1CC replays from normal/easy-level players (plus other stuff like serious scoring runs) and commenting on them/giving advice. Is there, like, any sort of non-Touhou equivalent to this, where people watch/rate other peopleā€™s 1CCs of arcade-like games? Iā€™m thinking not just shmups, but beat-em-ups, puzzle games and so on. (I imagine this channel is only practical at all because Touhou games have an easy-to-use replay recording system since the first Windows title, but I can always hope.)


this is ultra cool but hyper-nicheā€¦ you can barely even find people on western streaming platforms playing arcade games, let alone 1CCā€™ing them, let alone having the expertise to provide commentary on other playersā€™ runs(!)

the closest analogue iā€™ve encountered is in speedrunning communities where newer players will sometimes ask veterans/higher-level players to analyze their runs and so forth. thereā€™s a series of videos by wave race 64 speedrunner shibbypod in which he does course tutorials by way of analyzing a bunch of community runs from lower-ranked players





since the dlc is delisted, does the base game of jump force offer a good enough set of character creation stuff to be worthwhile?

Been having a terrible time learning the name of this rhythm game:

Pretty certain it has a ps1 port.


Thatā€™s Paca Paca Passion


The only ā€œaudit my gameā€ video genre Iā€™m familiar with is with grand strategy games, which is about as far from arcade as you can get

Is ā€œluck of the Irishā€ supposed to be sarcastic? Iā€™m just saying because the Irish? Historically unlucky people.