Quick Questions XIV: A Question Reasked (Part 1)

speaking of tactics ogre, i’ve never actually played the original & want to give it a go. is the PSP port the way to go or did it get a FFT PSP-style mangling & i’m better off with the original?

I’d say you don’t have much to lose by going with the PSP port. They made some quality of life changes, added a bunch of stuff, and there’s big Akihiko Yoshida portraits of characters, but the downside is all of the dalogue is IN EMPHASIZED CAPITALS, though, I don’t recall if that was the same case in the SNES/PSX version. Of course, this has the flowery dialogue.

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(definitely play the original, there’s a hack that inserts the PSX english script into the SNES rom, I’ll find my eight million posts later)

I played the original on PSX, the remake on PSP, emulated the PSP version, and am currrently emulating the SNES version.

Honestly the only way that sucks is the PSX version. I was initially in camp Felix in hating the “classes level and not your character” change in the PSP version, but honestly… it’s totally worth playing. It also has a ton of QoL upgrades and somehow improves on some of the best pixel art ever made by breaking all the pixel art rules. The SNES version is a slog even with fast forward in an emulator, so there’s that against it, too.

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both are good and worth playing

is this what centrism feels like


Yes. It is exactly centrism. You nailed it

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Are there good Android chiptune apps? Beginner here. @spacetown?

I’ve dabbled with Caustic, seems to be decent

honestly I’d just grab a gameboy emulator and emulate LSDJ, but if you’re not into emulation then sunvox gets kinda close to chiptune if you can figure out how to make synths from patching inputs and outputs to each other, might be a little advanced if you’re just starting out

so yeah - gameboy emulator and then grab an LSDJ rom

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are there any good lightweight programs for recording music out there? i’d like to be able to record and layer things i’m playing in FM8.

probably reaper

pretty lightweight, pretty functional, the demo is free and fully featured and you just need to wait 5 seconds at the beginning of the program launch to hit “still evaluating” before you can use it, and even if you want to buy a license it’s 60 bucks

it’ll be able to run VSTs too

I haven’t used it for music much but it has the functionality to put down grids by bpm and stuff so I think it’ll be good if you want to loop and arrange things


reaper is better than basically every pay-actual-money daw




anyone know how to inject roms for 3ds vc

what’s the deal with some twitter links appearing like this:


assuming it’s something they’ve done in the past week or two as older posts seem to display properly?

yup, I had to bump this site last week to update our https cert anyway and was hoping it would catch an upstream discourse fix for the twitter change but nothing yet

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it sounds like Twitter is now (inexplicably) rendering meta tags with client-side JS so there’s nothing for discourse to fetch

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javascript continuing its rampage to ruin everything good about computers


i fully agree with this even tho i’m a client side JS dev haha

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