Quick Questions XIV: A Question Reasked (Part 1)

I really, really didn’t like it, and most of its better qualities seem mobile-centric anyhow. seemed wildly overrated to me.

old Capy’s dead

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the only good mobile game ever made was might and magic: clash of heroes


desert golf


Anything by Michael Brough is great too, especially Imbroglio and Helix.


justin is a really nice guy and everything he’s done is a ton of fun

That reminds me I’m really close to maxing out Desert Golf, I should get back to it.

Anyone got any strong opinions on Manifold Garden around here? It came out on PS5 today and I liked the trailer but these games are usually amazing or crap with no inbetween.

good, not incredible. doesn’t start super strong but enjoyed it a lot after about half an hour in


If you have a soft spot for abstract 3d first person puzzle games, it will divert you for the couple hours it takes to beat it.


Agree w/ everyone – it’s great if you want to walk around and vibe. It’s not particularly challenging but it’s a nice time!


oh yeah, absolutely play mirror drop. manifold garden is pretty cool but mirror drop blew me away.


i will say because of all the hype and my tendency to hate that kind of stuff (and also just seeing bits of the game in development and not being really impressed with the design at all), i ended up being pretty happy with what i played with Manifold Garden. there are puzzles but it really isn’t a puzzle game in the sense that even like Mirror Drop… or a game like Superliminal is. it’s more just a cool aesthetic experience that happens to have some alright puzzles. but for being that i thought it was worthwhile. i certainly didn’t dislike it the way that i’ve disliked a lot of hyped prestige indie games.

edit: btw i should say that i was asked to do music for Manifold Garden at one point in its development, and then the guy never followed up with me. years later i heard from someone else that who knew him somewhat that he had asked about 10 different musicians at different points. definitely felt pretty miffed about that at the time, esp because it happened when i was desperate for money (and i had never been asked to do music for anything like a project of that size). i also just think it’s a shitty practice to “shop around” like that and it kinda felt like it reflected poorly on the guy for me because his game was getting so much hype from the Jon Blows of the world that he felt like he could do that. that’s one reason i felt inclined to dislike it. in addition to me just not being impressed at all by one of the early demos he showed me of the game (i thought his puzzles were kinda boring and they never really got much better in the final game… thankfully the game doesn’t hinge on them anyway). but it’s a thing that has unfortunately happened to me several times (though never for a project of that size)… it’s why i kinda gave up doing music for stuff, for the most part.

but anyway i did end up liking Manifold Garden in the end. but yeah that experience was one of many in that world that left me feeling pretty miffed.


hated this btw

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Oopps. I was asleep.

Yeah I turned everything off and just drove around America listening to spotify. I missed driving and I missed texas. Engaging with the game seemed bad.

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I have such fond memories of Critter Crunch

I played Manifold Garden for about an hour or two and disliked it. The puzzles felt like obligatory roadblocks and the rest of the game felt like obligatory pretty sights from an indie game, with a weak identity (It’s this very videogamey mashup of art deco as romanticized by putting « art deco » in Google Images + infinite repetitions)


does anyone know anything about the monster maker series? it seems to have been a pretty big thing in japan in its day, but i don’t think i’ve ever seen anyone talk about it in english


i can’t really say i disagree with that, though i still found it kinda worthwhile as an aesthetic experience.

i’d recommend Mirror Drop or Superliminal if you want something in 3D with better puzzles though.

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There’s not a lot of games with expansive seamless looping 3D spaces, so experiencing that felt pretty worthwhile to me. If that idea doesn’t grab you it’s probably not gonna do much for you, yeah. I do think it’s implemented pretty well. The sound design when you’re falling really sells it.

I was interested in Superliminal when it was a tech demo, but couldn’t shake the feeling of “Portal wannabe” when watching the trailer for the game. Do you think it transcends that or do you sort of ignore that part in favor of the puzzles? Or do you have a different read on it?