Quick Questions XIV: A Question Reasked (Part 1)

it’s like tobal without the novelty or the rough edges and thus not great

The forsaken dungeon part is fun.


Tell your grandkids it’s final fantasy VII remake


There was a cabinet for Ehrgeiz at my local skating rink. I once went to a birthday party there for someone in the neighborhood who was home schooled. I think she may have had a small crush on me. One of the party activities was a guessing game where we were supposed to guess how many Atomic Fireball candies were in a jar. I wound up getting sucked into Ehrgeiz and as I nearly approached the final boss, the birthday girl came up to me and told me that I had won the guessing game and that I should come to sing happy birthday. I ignored her and kept playing Ehrgeiz. I don’t think I beat the final boss. It’s one of those life events that gets filed away in the “moments of shame” drawer.


That’s funny because what you did could perfectly describe being ehrgeizig in German. You had Ehrgeiz while playing Ehrgeiz, nothing to be ashamed of


I mean of course you should have sang happy birthday for an actual human being instead of playing on but we’ve all been there, especially as kids

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This is an incredible revelation for me, thank you.


That just dredged up a memory where I went to a birthday party that was just 3 people and I spent the entirety of the time playing The 7th Guest on his computer until my mom came and picked me up. Woof. Sorry Richard.


I mean if it were Myst or something this would be understandable but The 7th Guest, what an incredible own on Richard


To be fair 7th Quest implies you might see a naked lady if you play long enough. Is this true? I don’t know. I certainly thought so in 1993!


I was always fascinated by The 7th Guest as a kid, so I can hella relate. It seemed way more fun than Myst and The 11th Hour. I never got far in any of those games. But the king of them all is Frankenstein with Tim Curry. I don’t think I knew that that was the same guy as Franknfurter in RHPS when I played it and I loved it anyway. So much camp!

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I once left a friend/cousin hanging outside while I knocked out another level of Commandos one hot summer day. He eventually came inside with a puzzled look on his face, like, “wtf dude??” but he didn’t say anything negative towards me. Bless that cousin. He used to lug outside some kinda PC that had James Pond on it so we could be outside and still play a videogame, pleasing both his mom and me. We used to play Lamborghini American Challenge inside, then go outside and run around while pretending we’re Lamborghinis, then go inside again and so on. Or play Actua Soccer, go outside, shoot some goals and then play inside again. He had a far healthier attitude than me when it came to outside vs inside play and I love him for dragging me along


I also used to have to take massive shits when we played games at his place. I’m older than him by a couple years and when I started growing into a young man I started to take man shits that locked me in the bathroom for like half an hour or more and sometimes he’d come to the door and ask me wtf was going on, he wanted to keep playing FF8 or whatever it was. He just didn’t know, with his prepubescent bowels

Thinking about it now I probably just thought the Laguna bits sucked and wanted some alone time


This triple post has a beautiful arc.


godblessit, the ring


tobal has the novelty of gouraud shading and a ludicrous amount of characters

ehrgeiz has the novelty of ffvii characters and a sukeban deka knockoff

ehrgeiz is a slightly better game to play, but not by much



I hacked my PS3 yesterday and just loaded it up. It has a lot of silly modes just like Tobal, but I opened up Arcade mode. The game runs at 480i in menus AND gameplay! And runs at a consistent 60fps, even though everything is textured! I played the demo to death way back when, and that’s probably mostly why.

Unfortunately, the PS3’s PSX emulation does not account for a 480i image over HDMI unless I’m missing something, so I’m getting an ugly combed image which is ruining everything.

I dunno, it’s a little sluggish in practice but it also an insane tech demo with better-than-average 90’s fighting game character designs even if you don’t count final fantasy team? If it had the polygon budget to have had interactable stage elements, it could have been as good as Powerstone, but I like it as a tech demo + a sign that 90’s Squaresoft’s misfires are still kind of amazing.



Oh is that why Tekken 3 has always looked like trash on my ps3?