Quick Questions XIII: Answers Return


This was the only likable character in Ni No Kuni.


yeah the first one’s demo honestly seemed like it was unsuitable for anyone older than about nine (and frankly borderline even then, which is fine, it just didn’t square with critical response) but this… looks like suikoden of mana, made out of ghibli b-roll. I want to play that game!

I am such a tactics tweaker

More like Ghibli z-roll tho

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fair (and I may be experiencing a lapse in judgment as I have literally never liked a level 5 game before, they’re all stuffed full of tedious nonsense) but I’m appreciating that the gamespot reviewer seems genuinely surprised/pleased that a) the writing is at least as mildly interesting as, say, DQ8, and b) the combat design is actually fun if you’re underleveled, and I’m always underleveled

if it hadn’t launched on PC (which is also highly unusual for them?) and ticked just about every box for a game like this I’d have dismissed it outright but I am going in

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So I haven’t actually played it, but I know Subnautica starts out really strong in that it’s a big alien world full of aquatic flora and fauna with imaginative and intriguing ecology to discover and make use of, and it’s remarkable that this is a survival-style exploration sim that actually has an endgame and conclusion rather than just “play until you’re bored.” Some flaws, though: that ending requires surprisingly little of you. The engine prioritizes the aquatic environments so much that the way the game handles islands and other air-filled spaces is buggy and a bit weird; this is on top of more serious rendering bugs and pop-in that plague the whole game. There’s a story to discover, and some of the basic facts necessary for this story to function lack credibility; you’ll have to embrace a healthy variety of coincidence and contrivance before you finish. If you want a more in-depth (ha) exploration of these and other issues, look up Joseph Anderson’s Subnautica video.

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I bought it yesterday, since I am probably the only one here who actually liked the first one.

Haven’t gotten far enough for the suikoden stuff yet, but I like the combat so far. Not much to it besides button mashing at the moment, but it feels quick and snappy.

The story feels super weird and rushed at the start, you are the president of the United States, who watches Not New York get nuked and wakes up 20 years younger in another world, immediately accepts this and starts hacking away at Hitler mouse’s troops to protect the king. Someone has a dramatic death, turns out to be alive, then immediately dies again. Then president dude decides not to go back home because hanging out with a kid conquerer is probably better than dealing with the presidential duties that would come from the aftermath of a direct nuclear assault on a US city.


yeah I just played this and it’s baffling they didn’t just cut that and start afterward

like, what a goofy hook

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yeah I don’t think I want to do this after all

much as I appreciate the Saints Row 4: Mystic Quest premise and though the combat feels pretty good, the approach to level geometry is depressing and I swear the dialogue would grate on a third grader. just like the first one it seems totally unaware of its own pedigree beyond the visual work which is frankly weird

Oh well, Nevermind

Hmm, that reminds me of FFX’s beginning, except it sounds like FFX actually made more sense

It’s especially weird because I find it much more difficult to accept Roland’s good-natured personality knowing that he is supposed to be the US president.

I have reached the point where you get access to LeafBook, a social network invented by techno wizards. this game is really weird.

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i wanted to like the first game in lieu of a real hd dragon quest but fuck the combat was awful



between this, the demo to the first game (of which I had the exact same thoughts as felix right down to Dora), and White Knight Chronicles (which is the last Level-5 game I played), it feels like their games are the result of a future alien or algorithmic archeology project trying to recreate JRPGs from incomplete data sets


Fantasy Life is a beautiful hybrid of DQIX and Fable II if those are your things.


different topic and I find it relatively amusing that this has never come up in the 5 years that I owned it now but

how do I connect my 3.5mm chinch headphones to my Xbox 360? It’s a slim model fwiw. My video device is a computer screen with only an HDMI input and no speakers. On the PS3 it was a matter of using a chinch adapter and the AV cable and with the PS4 I can just plug them into the controller, but I’m at a complete loss as to what to do with the 360.

Sunk a couple hours into Ni No Kuni 2 and the combat is so much better than the first game, but I’ve already gotten to like my first Lvl5 System ™ that I will probably just ignore, but I really want to get to the Suikoden part and this game just throws like a never-ending stream of item at you, which is weird.

My biggest issue so far is that the art style is super consistent EXCEPT on the world map, where it suddenly looks like a different game. This game really is Tales of Level 5, which I am OK with.

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does it get less “oh no the people are talking in breath of the wild again” after the first half hour?

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It’s definitely gotten to a bit more of “let’s go fight some dudes and not explain things all the time” but it is still Level 5, so at least for a few more hours, I imagine people are going to pop up to explain shit too much.

…I’m now kind of interested in this???


yeah that’s not the good part unfortunately

the way it’s handled could honestly have been because the FMV team delivered the wrong intro


I really, really tried, but I just couldn’t get into Fantasy Life. It feels like they took my least favourite part of JRPGs and turned it into a whole game