Quick Questions XIII: Answers Return

  1. yes, it’s a lot more focused and then sets you up to be impressed by the increased scope

  2. it’s not a terrible idea but you will probably find it even more hostile and unforgiving than is intended, as it’s the only one you’re really forced to treat as an action game. I would definitely recommend playing a different souls game (3 is fine although it starts poorly and is much more bland; scholar is messy but more interesting and more accessible) if you get too frustrated.

still there’s basically no one who likes souls games to whom I wouldn’t recommend bloodborne, it’s just a lot in some respects. and almost certainly their most impressive work overall.

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fwiw i had barely played a Souls before BB, I tried the first one and liked a lot about it but got fed up with how plodding it could be around Blighttown (e.g. not very far into the game). Bloodborne had everything I liked about DS1 and basically nothing I didn’t, I think if you’re into something that is faster paced and don’t mind dying constantly it is not a bad place to start.

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  1. Just don’t 100% it because…well…ew. Just ew. Even the ending is gross, but getting the full details of it is unnecessary and makes it even worse.

Yeah don’t get all the tapes. It is very upsetting.

You know what?

Just play Phantom Pain.

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With the exception of S-ranking the bonus Jamais Vu mission I think I might have had more fun 100%-ing Ground Zeroes then all of Phantom Pain. There just isn’t any “level” in it nearly as good as Camp Omega is.

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I lent my dad my ps3 and it was stolen so uh what can i do to protect my credit card?
except then i remembered i got a new card so the numbers have changed and i did not purchase anything on ps3 since then
so im good?

you can go to sony’s website and revoke your account privileges from any of your machines

I tried with the triple and it said I had to do it from the console

but what about the card thing, i might be super fine regardless

Even if your number hadn’t changed it would require extracting the PS3’s disk and data mining to get it, even then the CVV number probably isn’t stored, and computer savvy thieves have way more efficient ways to get credit card numbers than that, so I wouldn’t worry. And with your number actually having changed, the old number likely can’t be used to make purchases anymore anyway.

You used to be able to do a “revoke all my systems” from the Sony web site, but if they’ve taken that away, you can work your way through their obnoxious phone system and get them to do it. They will probably be forced to read an embarrassing script in which you are chastised for asking for this, and they will inform you that this is the only time they will do it. Try not to be too hard on the helpdesk worker for this, it’s not their fault. Though I did make sure to say “Yes, I’ll make sure I remove the authorization on my system before it’s stolen next time” in case the call was being monitored for quality assurance purposes.

Source: my PS3 was stolen several years ago and I had to do this.


Im actually gonna say you should definitely start with Bloodborne, just beware it will spoil you for the rest of them

You can play the early game mostly in the same way as you should any first Souls game – really slowly and carefully and paying close attention. Just, be mindful that it will ramp up and expect more guts from you later on (in both senses of the word)

im up to maybe the hardest part of any of the games ive played yet and im still having a great time :slight_smile:

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Well it was partly tongue in cheek but 1. i think it’s a brilliant game and the most vital of the 3 you can get on PS4 (tho the other two are perfectly decent and worth playing) and 2. Bloodborne demands more of your reflexes and is based around what would be considered an advanced play style in the other games (no shield, light armor, fast dodging and parrying) so i could see it becoming a “weight training in higher gravity” scenario.


Has it ever occurred to anyone that “bayone tta” sounds like the name of a fictional eastern seaboard transit authority


no but i’ve thought about what a Cambodian-Japanese fusion soybean dish might be like


what’s the deal with breath of the wild emulation?
i still have a wiiu boxed up ready to sell when i can be bothered, is it worth digging that out for one last run or should i just wait until shin megami tensei 5 comes out and i inevitably cave in for the switch version?

it’s been the focus of the Cemu authors since it came out and is seemingly playable from beginning to end

you can go on over to reddit where they have a subreddit dedicated to sharing shader caches and grab one and then you’re mostly set

I need to mess with Cemu again

Is Nioh a good game and should I get it?

How do I stop trying to play Ridge Racer V like OutRun 2006?

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use a jogcon


A Negcon’s way more appealing though…