Quick Questions XIII: Answers Return

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That there youtsube playlist is gold, thanks!

i saw the video’s thumbnail but didn’t think it could be it. guess i really thought it was an actual thing one could play. lol

anyway, thanks!

which non-spinoff touhou game has the best gameplay? we finally cleared imperishable night on normal, making one attempt every couple days. took longer than it should have because the time system took a while to figure out. spell practice should be fun

the answer probably isn’t 6 or 7.

I have never, ever been able to meet anyone who could agree on an answer to this. Basically ZUN changes the formula every game so they each appeal to different people.

EoSD(6) and PCB(7) definitely have their fans, though I liked IN(8) more than either personally. Subterranean Animism(11) has a lot of shmup fans and I think that’s a good one to hit up next.

MoF is pretty basic and not too hard, I think I cleared Normal on my first attempt. I dislike UFO because it’s basically a Psikyo game, though others like it for that. I remember some people really liking 10 Desires as it’s very modern Cave style.

DDC, the second most recent one, was pretty gimmicky for the last few stages and I’m not sure I can recommend it because of it. The latest one (LLoK) has a pretty BS difficulty curve near the end even on Normal. (‘It’s Lunatic Time!’, indeed.)

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IN always seems to be the one I go to for my favorite for being straight forward enough but having just enough of a gimmick to juggle with if you want to make those numbers go up. EoSD and PCB feel better as straight up shooting games without any gimmick to get in the way. After Mountain of Faith was where it started losing me. It was mostly the rule change where bombs were tied to your power pick up and you lose an ‘option’ (a certain percentage of your power score) when you pop a bomb. Just started feeling like the only way to play was going for perfect run instead of being able to cope with mistakes. SA also has a wicked difficulty curve.

Here’s a question:
Do you guys think that some of the Xbone and PS4 games might be looked at with more reverence due to the lack of games coming out for those systems?

There’s a lack of games? What do you mean? Like exclusives or big budget titles? Games available on disc? Or just at all?

Though I don’t think we’ll ever match the PSX’s catalog of weird experiments and otherwise lovably strange titles, I feel like this generation might end up with more low-budget gems than the last due to the more approachable hardware and digital distribution being pretty well understood. Maybe these things will allow same “it’s cheap to make a game now, let’s just try it out” that the introduction of optical disc games allowed.

On the other hand, there may not be the same amount of pent up ideas waiting for release to get cheap enough, and there’s been a shift away from home consoles in Japan from what I understand.

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I mean for my part the sheer number of really good high profile indie games [mostly made in unity] that have already gotten released on PS4 already significantly outstrips this time last generation for both quantity and quality. the perception of fewer weird experimental titles relative to the PS1 or PS2 has everything to do with the japanese industry still being in the toilet, I think. maybe if they start making something other than moe fanservice 3DS games they’ll start registering as “quirky” again.

like, sure, there hasn’t been a 2001-caliber blitz of ico and silent hill 2 and mgs2 and halo and bangai-o and melee and devil may cry but I’m not sure that’s any kind of precedent

and if you’re still fixated on the “what’s coming down the AAA hype pipe that I can buy on a physical disc” model I can certainly see being underwhelmed, but it is an extraordinarily good thing that this production model is no longer dominant to the exclusion of others

and hey, in fairness, nier, persona, and gravity rush 2 all look terrific

Vidcons are astonishingly good on the whole right now imo

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Yea, I’d agree, i’m not sure why there’s pessimism with regard to the slate of AAA games being released for this console generation. We got that DOOM coming out, Overwatch, Recore, Below, Dark Souls 3, new nier, mirror’s edge, Last guardian, Shenmue III, etc

It’s a very good time to be a console gamer, this year’s E3 proved that.

And Psychonauts 2 is being developed and there’s a new Ratchet and Clank coming out this year as well! There’s never been a better time to be into video games than right now I think.

Replying to some ancient stuff here. The Black Magic Shuttle Intensity Thunderbolt works well on Windows providing you have a Thunderbolt-capable motherboard. I’ve read a lot of warnings about the USB3 model not getting along with with certain implementations of the standard. Since it’s pretty much just Intel’s baby, Thunderbolt is a more standardized standard.

It does run super hot though.

Fair point. I guess when I look at Broforce or Transistor I think “that’s a Steam game” and don’t count it as a console game. Which is just stupid. But how I’m thinking of it. I just don’t see any point in booting up the console for that.

There’s some stuff that looks good in the pipe as @Felix pointed out. I’m just not counting it as good yet. Sure Nier 2 looks great but so did Watchdogs then the real game came out. Poor comparison (i hope) yet IDK I think so far we’re behind this generation. Except for the WiiU which has a shockingly tight library.

whereas I think the WiiU is overrated at best; different strokes

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I want to play armored core. What is a good armored core game to play?

I really really like armored core: verdict day – it slowed down the action of armored core 4 and for answer to person-comprehensible levels, but kept it crisp with the quick boost mechanic that makes movement really interesting when coupled with the power system and scan mode

it’s probably my favorite armored core game and possibly my favorite mech game ever! it managed to hit the balance of weightiness and quick action just right for me

it also has AIs that you can script and make ACs for, and the system can get really deep and complex, almost to the point where they’re basically human players – I’ve definitely seen some that behave really similarly

a shame about that online play though :frowning:

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I was just about to vouch for verdict day thinking no one else would when I saw spacetown’s post pop up just now.

it’s not as easy to emulate as the PS1/PS2 titles from the series’ arguable heyday, the multi is alternately deserted and clannish despite having a really cool concept, and it’s not as widely loved as AC4 for its early-360-generation zaniness (wide empty sparse maps and ridiculously frantic action), but it is an all around solid game that’s definitely representative of AC at its best, in addition to being easily the best looking entry in the series.

I started with For Answer. I got pretty far then reached a point when I couldn’t hit enemies anymore. I tried different builds for a few hours and nothing was good enough. There was nothing to help me understand how I was supposed to adapt.

So yeah I don’t recommend this one as the first (are they all like this?)

like I said, 4/4A is especially unforgiving and has a really high skill ceiling; I think it was miyazaki’s first director credit at from before demon’s souls?

I know lots of people love it and I have a bit of a bias against early 360 stuff, so I don’t want to totally trash it.