Quantum Ungulations (Outer Wilds)

It’s a classic arcade experience, you get a Game Over when you die

I just finished the game. That was a great ending! I loved the little post-credits bit. This is definitely the best thing I’ve played so far this year.


I managed to land on the Interloper. Seconds after I got out of the ship we made a close flyby to the sun and the gravity pulled my ship off into space. As I watched it go I realized I was also getting pulled off into space and started jetpacking over back to the Interloper so I’d at least die usefully there, but I miscalculated my speed and crash landed into it


I have so manymoments of magic just like these when I played outer wilds

The first time I was launched into space while on a floating island on giant’s deep was so memorable. I drifted off into space and watched the sun go supernova as my oxygen ran out

This game is remarkable for how it manages to provide space for personal anecdotes and experiences. I can’t think of an adventure game that gives the players these sorts of stories.


alright I think I’ve been to most of the large settlements and found all of my friends at this point and I need to work on synthesizing what I know

as far as I can tell there isn’t anything to be gleaned from dark bramble other than the jellyfish but I still can’t figure out how to get close enough to the core of giant’s deep

no luck getting to the deepest downest parts of the twins but I think there’s still more there and I think I can probably get there as I am? I haven’t been able to reach at least one of the chambers from the visions.

every vessel I have attempted to use to reach the sun station, including those that are not mine, mostly seems to want to just fly into the sun.

there’s more to dark bramble than that, spoilered hint: you haven’t looked at all the data dark bramble is sending out

hint unrelated to dark bramble:

you can land on sun station

but it’s not the easiest way to reach that location


thanks! those are very reasonable hints.

gosh this game is so good

also there are a ton of narrative questions I can’t wait to answer for myself but I am a little perplexed that no one on timber hearth appears to be aware of the mine and the warp that were used in the ash twin project, unless I misunderstood them talking about it in the early game? Am I to understand that I can only manipulate the orb locks because I bonded with a statue, and if so, why wouldn’t my buddy on giant’s deep also have found them?

I don’t think there’s any particular answer to that question, but you’ve drawn a reasonable enough conclusion.

As for your buddy on Giant’s Deep, he’s a layabout is why.

I’ll give my own version of a hint re: Dark Bramble:

The game starts you off with all the tools you’ll need. But you have to remember you have them to use them. Your suit has functionalities that will bring you to the right places…

got it, thanks

there’s very little I’ve succeeded in doing to really change the world state in any given run beyond accidentally launching the sole intact probe from the satellite over giant’s deep and triggering various parts of the hollow planet to fall off into the black hole or not and make the trek to the settlement that much more difficult but I’m assuming the former is definitely going to be part of the solution

one of the many great parts of this game, which feels especially like a considered response to riven, is that it’s so easy to talk about every part of the world; it’s all so intentional and well distinguished. the size and complexity are just perfect.

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and obviously the notes and the implication that the Nomi all died exactly where they stood are incredibly affecting. I love that the script is as warm as it is with everything else.

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So are y’all just playing this on Xbox One, or did you spring for the Epic Games Store version? I would prefer to wait for it to hit Steam, but I’m impatient.

Epic games store

yeah I actually do prefer steam for concrete reasons like how it would’ve been easier to run this game on my other monitor from the couch at the press of a button the other night but I wasn’t gonna wait

it is the only epic purchase I have made with that massive prerelease sale and no regrets

You can add it to Steam as a non-Steam game if you put “-EpicPortal” in the launch options. This allows you to use the Steam overlay / big picture / use steam controllers etc.

Do still need to launch the Epic Games Store every once in a while to get updates.



so I need to add the executable to steam and set that argument as a part of Steam? because right now the Windows shortcut just contains com.epicgames.launcher://apps/Starfish?action=launch&silent=true and I don’t think that can receive additional arguments

or rather I could probably add &epicportal=true but I don’t think that’s what you mean

Yeah, you just add the executable then set the launch options.


You can then add a shortcut to your desktop from Steam if you want.


(that was obviously a start menu shortcut, I’m not a savage)

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OK I think I have actually found all the dark bramble stuff based on what I said earlier and you’re sending me on a wild goose chase?