Pokemon S ☀ N & M 🌙 ON

OMG yes, that is such a convenient improvement!

In other Pokenews, Pokken Tournament has some pretty cool music:

Youtube fightgame enthusiasts seem really pumped about it from what I’ve seen, and it looks really fun, but I have doubts that it’ll sell well.

Example of said enthusiasm:

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Huh. This is the first time I’ve really considered Pokken as anything other than a lame spin-off. I didn’t even realize it was produced by the Tekken guy–just figured it was a weird name that made more sense in Japanese.

I have kind of like arena battlers, so I’m intrigued now. But…no local multi-player? Seriously? Seriously? For realz? Honestly? Really? C’mon.

Also, it doesn’t seem like there’s move customization? If it were actually a semi-faithful reproduction of the PKMN battle system as a fighting game–if Knock Off knocked off a held item, if Protect was something you had to equip, if your projectiles were all specific special attacks–then I might have to buy a WiiU for this.

Have you see these ones?

Here are some more and some additional information on some of the ones in the first video, but…man is this guy annoying:

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No local is definitely a weird decision, but I can also look at that decision and see it as a game that was made for arcade culture primarily. In Japan at least, you tend to see fightgame machines placed back to back, and a player on one side can interrupt and challenge the player across from them. Though, the arcade cabinets are equipped with actual controllers unique to the game, so maybe it always intended to be a console game. The mysteries never cease.

Yeah, the arcade-facing aspects would also be an argument for not having personalized customization.

Except couldn’t you just have an Initial D card thing, and it would actually turn out to be a smash hit, since it would an arcade game personalized fighters, and that’s awesome, and why not?

I dunno.

Kind of neat that it’s essentially a successor to the Virtual On arcade experience.

The stuff I’ve read mentions it supports LAN and a 30fps mode with one player on Gamepad one on TV?

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Yeah, I believe the video I posted mentions that the Wii U version requires LAN for multi.

Ah. Well, I guess having one person on the gamepad isn’t that bad. Better than splitscreen.


Those trainers were the biggest fake sign because they were totally not Sugimori style but I believed the Pokemon. The bear thing looks a bit generic though.

damn…rip my dreams of a bear starter :bear::cry:

Few things in this world better embody pure elemental joy than a person in a Pikachu costume.

So I’ve got Pokken, and I might as well get all 7 other Wiiu owners on my pokken friends list, so how does this Nintendo friend number deal work.

On the one hand I lost to Darksyde Phil.

On the other hand Darksyde Phil is the sorest winner I have ever seen.

Congrats, I think? Actually, I don’t really know how anyone should logically react to, even momentarily, crossing paths with DSP. Maybe a sort of workman’s compensation is deserved.

Jiminy, it’s taking a while for Corocoro to reveal anything interesting.

Everyone seemed to think we’d know the starters by early March. Now it’s May and still nothing significant. Soon this thread will start apoppin’.


Game got good graphics.


those starters are so great!! Except for R/B (where i honestly love all three elemental reptiles) i can usually choose a clear favorite, but dang do i ever want a team that has all those cuties together. (firecat is def. first pick though)

And yeah, wow, that’s one modern-ass Pokemon game right there. Even X/Y felt fairly rigid and close to the traditional top-down perspective, this looks like they’re breaking free at last. still can’t believe it took 6 games and numerous remakes for Gamefreak to implement diagonal movement.

they’re just straight up calling alt-Hawai’i “Aloha” though huh

Man I adore that little grass owl, I just want to see what its evolutions look like RIGHT NOW


  • grass owl
  • fire cat
  • bootleg Seel

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