Podcast Episode #73: Rural Games

To get a little real for a moment, I learned the hard way that we should definitely avoid detailed descriptions of sexual stuff as part of podcasts–regardless of context.

I also cut stuff if I sense it’s going too far off of the rails, most hitches where it’s taking someone too long to remember a thing, or entire passages if people were cutting themselves off multiple times mid-sentence because they were just really bad about keeping the push-to-talk key held down the whole time. Ventrillo recording can’t deal with that, so it just cuts you off in the middle of the last word each time. I don’t blame people for doing it because we’re all trained to do this when using push-to-talk in online games, I’m just using this opportunity to point it out! Vent is just really bad in general about cutting the recording off a fraction of a second before you actually released the key. You’ll notice it’s pretty much an issue across all casts and we should probably just switch to Skype.