Please Teach Me Spelunkery

One of those was me being extremely dense about how the 1-4 boss was supposed to work (although the first time I encounter it I killed it off screen with the shotgun so that was just unfortunate). There was the level that generated with a cliff at the very start, requiring a rope or a bomb to pass which seems unfair. I’m sure spelunky 1 was not without similar terrain generation glitches but… I really don’t remember that happening

I’ve not encountered any critical path that requires outside items yet – think they’re rare or I’m just getting very lucky!

Jungle mechanic: does anyone know how to get rid of the skull curse? It turns you black and white and reduces your health to 1. Maybe there’s no way to get rid of it? There are so many scary enemies in the jungle :frowning:

ok I got the second shortcut open

I am not yet reaching the same delights as a quick spelunky 1 game maker version black market run and I haven’t seen as many potential secret paths as I’d like but I am still fairly delighted


Yeah, I’m having fun!

Multiplies out to about 10.5 hours. Still wish they would have front loaded more of the new content instead of backloaded.

I do think it plays significantly differently than Spelunky 1, but only for Spelunky vets. The game punishes you hard for rushing, which is all they’ve done for years.


Not quite sure why my plays doesn’t equal my deaths? Maybe resets?

Made it all the way to 5-1 on a lucky streak earlier and man 3-1 hits different in this game, I have never been so confused to see something I’ve seen dozens of times before


Ok ok how do you beat the 1-4 Boss??

I’ve killed him by throwing a ton of stuff at him, or shooting him with the arrow gun or shotgun a few times. He’s not too hard to dodge once you get the hang of his timing. You just have to use the ladders all around him.

i think the idea is that most of the time you’ll have him just tear you a path, but yeah you can kill him fairly easily if you use some stuff. also, though, if you let him just tear up the level for a bit you can get a shitload of money. also also if you’re playing multiplayer and someone is dead a ghost player can freeze him and you can shatter him with one whip lol. i think he always drops a meat and some bombs???

Is this game stingier with bombs and ropes than the first one? Or am I just not resourceful enough yet?

I think it’s stingier with items in general, at least in the first area.

I hate how shooting bomb pickups causes them to explode. Makes robbing the shop much harder!

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oh shit is that what’s happening! i thought maybe maybe some shopkeepers had a last-ditch emergency bomb or something

just last night found out how god damn hilarious the shield is

Yeah, I only figured out that bomb pickups can explode when I killed the 1-4 boss with a shotgun and accidentally blew up the bombs I was supposed to get from him, lol.

you can also dig out a path around the boss chamber by using a couple bombs and avoid the confrontation entirely

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I don’t mind this per se, but only having 4 bombs sure does seem like this makes delivering all the turkeys to mr. turkeyman all the harder!

i feel like the turkeyman rewards are intentionally fairly light so that if the turkey situation is too annoying it’s to just be like well i’m just taking a turkey instead

the turkeys are so good wow

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Ah, good to know they’re light. I havne’t actually finished the turkey thing yet on any runs and assumed I was missing something nice.

The turkeys are truly incredible.

Are there any long-term consequences to killing Mr. Turkeyman? Seems like, if you have the items to pull it off, killing him and taking his turkeys and his turkey treasures is the best option.

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That is what I usually do, but I do think there’s some secret or story something associated with it, because if you finish it he sets up a turkey shop in the next area, rofl.

You can also sometimes break into his stash through the sublayer, too, which avoids all conflict.

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