I feel the same way about the tension levels in PUBG vs. Fortnite. What doesn’t help Fortnite is that it somehow runs worse than PUBG for me. I can only play it in 720p to get a good frame rate, which is bizarre because other Unreal Engine games run much better for me. Also I don’t like the building in Fortnite. I flat out refuse to do it and just play it like a straight up shooter, which is not very satisfying at all.

What bugs me the most about Fortnite though is that I can’t change character. I’m stuck with the skinny girl when all I want is to play as the thiccy thick thick girl models that they have. They are really pretty and exactly what I want to play as/look at! So if they add that in, that I can change to that I’ll play it again. Yes, honestly, it matters that much to me

Now the mobile PUBG does have the tension of the PC game. My second match was boring for like 30 minutes but when it came down to 7 players or so it got really intense. Also, I got so much more stuff on mobile than on PC. I was just loaded to the teeth with guns and upgrades. Something that has never happened to me on PC but then I haven’t played it in a while on that platform, maybe they changed the drops there too.