
pac man

pac mech


oh, cool, Pacman looks like a demake of CD-Man



all video game credits should appear in a corner of the screen at all times, what have we done to stray from this perfection
it is clear to me now we live in a fallen age



Square Enix as the true inheritor of the “Pac” “Man” legacy


I read a smart, engaging novel like D.B. Weiss’ “Lucky Wander Boy” and I take a deep breath and relax. No matter what methods of distractions we humans devise for ourselves, we will always be able to turn the tables and make art out of our addictions. Enduring truths lurk behind every pixel, and profound meanings are signified by Pac-Man’s maw. A generation reared on video games will produce some zombies, sure, but it will also engender poets – bards of a new digital discipline. Weiss is just such a bard, making merry with the grist of “Donkey Kong” and “Frogger,” capturing the spirit of a generation raised on arcades and Atari cartridges.


It’s at least as tragic as it is pretentious. We have no gods; we have Pac-Man. There is no true love; all chicks are really pixilated princesses waiting to be rescued.


“…each dot will possess a snowflake’s uniqueness, and the acquisition of each-no, the experience of each-will bring the Pac-Man a very specific and distinct joy or sorrow. The dots all rack up points equally, of course; in retrospect, however, some are revealed as wrong choices, links in a chain of wrong choices that trace out a wrong path leading to a withering demise beneath the adorable and utterly forgiving eyes of Blinky, Inky, Pinky, or Clyde .”


“The Pac-Man’s insatiable hunger for the dots and Power Pills that fill the corridors of his maze-worlds suggest weighty parallels, such as the ravenous hunger for More Life that Darwin saw in all species, any one of which would overpopulate and overrun the earth if not for the predatory ghosts of natural selection. Also, we are reminded of Marx’s “need of a constantly expanding market” that “chases the bourgeoisie over the entire surface of the globe” ( Communist Manifesto ) with the “vocation to approach, by quantitative increase, as near as possible to absolute wealth.” ( Capital ), casting the Pac-Man in the role of corporate antihero in a utopian fantasy where the agents protesting his unfettered domination of the maze-world actually defeat him in the end. Obvious metaphors, lurking just beneath the surface of the game.”


These posts are a horror story.


You know why the walls are blue, right? They’re reflecting the light from the sky. Lovely blue skies, as far as the eye can see.



Perhaps it is because i own at least one of every gaming system that came out since 2600, but this book spoke to me as i recall spending literally hundreds of hours on a single game and can recognize the dangerous step from moderately unhealthy obsession to overpowering mania. For those not fully versed in video games and the idea of losing oneself for such extended hours at a stretch, one must of necessity make allusions to characters with overwhelming mania and hubris, foremost in my mind, Colonel Kurtz and Captain Ahab. When one can extrapolate so much of the underpinnings of the human psyche from games such as Donkey Kong and Pac Man and turn them into rants smart enough to make you wonder if that might actually be true…


to get back to normal: the halls that make you get to the other side of the map quickly are actually for pac mans bathroom breaks

every time you teleport to the other side of the map a pac man takes a piss


When does he poop

the blue ghosts dont die, they’re just taking pac-man’s fecal matter and disposing of it in the toilet in the middle. the blue is a janitor jumpsuit, to signify the ghosts being ‘on the clock’ and ready to receive your bowel movement


this is the greatest development in the pacman canon I’ve ever heard

Does that mean that the power pellet is a powerful laxative?


yeah and the fruits are for fiber. the key is if you get really far and completely fill the toilet in the middle so you need to use the staff restroom. the bell is for warning the staff to get out of the restroom cuz you’re about to get the key and shit all over it


No wonder the ghosts are running from pac man, they don’t want to be stuck cleaning up his mess. When they’re in their street sheets they’re trying to throw pacman out of the maze for his poopcrimes


yeah its also why they get really aggressive when they’re not in their jumpsuits. they can all band together and beat the hell out of pacman for making their jobs suck, but since theres union busting and little job security they cant do that kind of shit on the clock, even though they should

did you know pacman doesnt even wipe? he expects the janitors to do everything


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fuck-man (and ms. fuck-man) after all, it seems