ocarina of time clones

And let’s not even get started on Super Mario Kart clones, because there’s only Mario Kart: Super Circuit.

And I don’t even know what went wrong. Mario Kart 64 went wrong maybe. Or at least kart racing’s further emphasis on weapons instead of actual racing went somewhere I didn’t want to be.

All modern kart racers are shitty racing games. I feel like it’s enough to look at the minimap of the course and compare it to Super. Those were kart racing tracks, with tight bends. Cornering demanding cornering skills. Or better yet drifting skills. Driving a modern kart racer feels like driving touring cars, or Daytona (not USA). Endlessly long bends. Drifting is almost an afterthought. You don’t need to drift to take corners, you drift on straights to build a turbo meter or whatever. It’s a travesty.

Like guard rails on rainbow road. And Sonic in a car. (The only Sonic racing game that makes sense is Sonic R. (Somewhat like the only 3D Sonic platformer that makes sense is Rodea the Sky Soldier. (And they’re both bold trainwrecks.)))

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