Norman Skye

honestly, the most fond memories i have of space sims are from freelancer, when i was hanging out with a friend going places aimlessly while chatting and accomplishing nothing in particular other than exploration

so a completely chill exploratory space game sounds perfect

let me tell you about a game called elite: dangerous

(itā€™s actually pretty much what you described but it has pretty good space fighting and more things to do if you so choose)

also petition to change the thread title to norman skye

all i remember about E:D was that one day they just decided they didnā€™t feel like fulfilling stuff they promised on their KS anymore

but yeah it sounded like the kind of game thatā€™d be good for that if you were into it

every time someone mentions elite dangerous I think theyā€™re talking about star citizen

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Thereā€™s an easy mnemotechnic: Elite is the one that actually came out.

Anyway, playing this next monday for sure. It looks chill because a lot of streamers are still in the early game, but looking at a more advanced one it looks like some later planets are a lot trickier, like the things on them that donā€™t want to kill you or eat you are deadly radioactive storms.

Noam Chom Sky


Donā€™t be that guy.

So wait, is this a survival game or an exploration game? Because survival games suck, but exploration games rule.

seems like 70/30 which is just fascinating enough to work given the central conceit, if not necessarily what people wanted

Just based on a couple hours of play it seems to be a heavy exploration game with some light survival stuff that isnā€™t terribly hard to deal with. I just reached my second star system but I could have easily stayed in the one I started out in exploring all the planets (thereā€™s a checklist for each planet it seems like, and the easiest way to amass currency is to scan flora and fauna and then log those with the central server). Youā€™ll need to mine and craft stuff to power your spacesuit and your spaceship and your spacegun, at least in the early part of the game before you start encountering traders.

I got about 40% of the unique stuff on my first planet scanned before I was like nah this isnā€™t really that kind of game letā€™s just get on with it and start checking out the rest of the universe. Itā€™s a pretty chill game! Every discovery on every location you visit is logged in your pause menu screens and you can basically track your personal journey so far. Iā€™ll probably revisit my starting planet eventually but I got the exploration bug right now and Iā€™m going to keep following the ā€œtutorialā€ (which you can choose to skip right at the beginning).

This blows

I thought this was some kind of 3D Starbound but I guess it might be more comparable to a lonely game version of Parkan or Precursors?

I have been out of the loop on gaming for a decade at least so stuff like this still seems jind of crazy:

Hmm. What is this? Googling this is difficult

Oops, meant Starbound.

Is there a development roadmap or checklist of features planned for future updates?

Iā€™d say itā€™s very likely, but as far as I know it hasnā€™t been made public.

Yeah, I played this for about four hours last night, and I am digging it so far.

The language acquisition thing is actually kinda neat. I am inspired to stay in areas to try to get as many words as possible.

Finding wrecked ships and stealing them or their stuff is neat.

Iā€™ve only been in one fight so far and I got wrecked by a fleet of four space pirates.

I played a good amount of E:D, which I actually liked as well, but this offers a nice sim-lite version of some of that, but with the added benefit of getting out the ship and walking around and finding aliens and such.

They talked a bit about how they want to add bigger ships and base building in at some point, but that is down the line and the devs basically said ā€œdonā€™t let that influence if you buy the gameā€, in that it is an ideal feature, but not one theyā€™ve put much work in on yet.

Has anyone figured out how to scan birds? I imagine thereā€™s a long-range upgrade for the scanner, but all I seem to find are weapon upgrades. (I have not fought anything in the game so far.)

I like how you can offer to buy any random pilotā€™s ship. Not that I can afford them at this point because I keep spending all of my money increasing my suitā€™s carrying capacity.

On the PS4 pad at least, when scanning you click the R3 to zoom in levels.

for some reason Iā€™m still really into everything Iā€™ve heard?