News VI: Fires of Rumorcon

sounds familiar :thinking:


also funny is that the whole idea of e-Amusement Participation (the revenue share program they have with all online arcades) was supposed to result in cabinets and upgrades being sold at cost to arcades because they’d make it up over the lifetime of the game

now they just don’t give a fuck (but this is the company that heavily incentivized their arcade partners to buy BeatStream cabinets in bulk when no one liked the game before or after launch, so I’m not too surprised)


No mention of in the article (which might of course mean that it was actually hearsay or just couldn’t be confirmed with a good source) that a group of these people apparently entered the office building of Project Moon developers to demand the artist be fired in person.


It did happen, roughly seven people showing up “just asking questions” about the feminist nature of ProjectMoon and what they are going to do with the artist. The director wasn’t present so the devs tried to avoid answering anything definitively. Part of the problem is that the reporting is all based in South Korea so what the English side can hear is through the usual side-methods of translating social feeds and milquetoast games journalism (ie. only scraping the surface).

Oh, also on the table is they’ve violated employment law trying to save face with the vocal minority.


Old as hell news but I don’t think it’s been talked about here?

Among Johnny’s talent is Takuya Kimura (from Judgment)

From my podcast source (lol) Johnny’s has such an iron grip on all media in Japan that the scandal has not been covered at all by traditional media in Japan until people started complaining on social media about why only foreign media mentioned it


I mention it occasionally but it’s so complicated that it gives me a headache.


Considering every Ys game is Adol goes a new place and solves a problem by entering holes until he leaves, with no notable features of the world at large, I have no idea what this could possibly be like.


clearly, they should implement the series’ iconic Bump Combat by having you throw dice at figurines


I saw a news report on this on TV recently, and the extent to which everyone in Japan either refuses to discuss it for fear of repercussions or just dismisses it in favour of blissful ignorant is so weird to me. Like even the victims were saying things like “I know what he did to me was bad, but I think he was still a great guy” etc.
Like I’d have to assume Johnny’s has some kind of criminal connections, or else it’s just the sheer strength of Japan’s “don’t rock the boat” mentality.


I have a paid design test for a prolific indie company. First interview left a good impression.

I spoke with a friend, who correctly guessed the studio’s new project. He knows someone that used to work there. “Dev hell” was mentioned.


This is a game made by indigenous Americans that has players fight colonizers. Back it now so you can get a copy on release!


how am i just finding out there’s a monster hunter pokemon go game coming out in september. all walkin down the end of the street to paintball a diablos and shit. what the hell is going on



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Does Oopona really last 80 hours? I want to play it but that idea crushes me

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why not just play it and stop when you’ve had your fill


this looks like a really satisfying, extremely close indie iteration on Resident Evil 1. It’s got moments where you go into first-person and it plays like House of the Dead? and has VN character portraits for dialog segments? mobility puzzles and the ability to dash through doors, which zombies can follow you through? seems like it could be fun.


this sounds like it could be pretty fun actually. I think I’ll back it.

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i backed this like 20 years ago, glad to see it’s finally coming out, VERY glad they managed to interview Itoi