News VI: Fires of Rumorcon

And from their own website:

become a runner in bungie’s new sci-fi pvp extraction shooter. compete for survival, riches, and renown in a world of evolving, persistent zones, where any run can lead to greatness



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appreciate at least that the new marathon isn’t just a remake that like bastardizes the original games but it just being marathon tarkov or whatever is like every finger on the monkey’s paw curling at once, i’m sure it’ll be fun but it’s hard to imagine it being as weird and abstract and unhinged as the original games and if it isn’t it just seems a little cynical

anyways proud of myself for knowing it was marathon for sure as soon as i saw the s’pht in the trailer maybe i will defer judgement for now


metal gear solid alt-j


have they said anything about who’s making this, even

It’s Konami internally afaict. It’s not like they’re making much else.


“on the latest platforms” at least seems to imply they aren’t PS5 exclusive, which is neat. I’ve already played these games enough I think.

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happy to see those Warzard lion people make it to Dragon’s Dogma after all.


this seems weirdly conscious of the silent hill 2 response with the bits about “play the games as they, as first released.” i’m skeptical they’re going to do better than bluepoint’s kojipro-supervised ports though

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I’d be interested in the master collection if they have japanese audio and at least for mgs1, you gotta have a native resolution option. presumably they’re going to be adapted to non pressure sensitive controllers at least and you won’t have to do weird shit to not fire your gun every time you want to aim in first person, which I gotta wonder how many people play those games in emulators these days and just think that’s how they’re supposed to work


fwiw the 360 version that’s forwards compatible through the X|S makes this into a two-button input (and is my preferred way to play now)


yeah I haven’t been able to get any of the xbox emulators to run any of the mgs ports yet so I forgot how they handled it

Alan Wake 2 digital only

I just want to know what this means for street pass. I know, nobody carries their 3DS around anymore so there is no streetpass, but if I go to MAGFest in the next couple years and I can’t get any streetpasses because I updated or failed to update, I’m gonna cry.

A post was merged into an existing topic: marathon (20XX)

I legit was thinking about this game earlier today or yesterday due to playing through Relicta and was wondering if it got quietly cancelled as it has been about eight and a half years since the original. Glad that it is apparently nearly done, hope it is as much as a pleasant surprise as the original was.


good: they finally announced Helldivers II

bad: it’s a third person shooter now?

my disappointment is unfathomable

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Now THIS is worth getting excited about


very odd

They staffed up much much larger and it’s been years and years and the only jokes in their trailer were in the script? No player-kills or mistakes?

someone at Sony Europe must have been trying to get a new Killzone off the ground

Since it seems like the maps will be very true to original I guess at worst it may be a Twin Snakes situation where if they add new mechanics it might break the game balance but they already kind of did that already with the Subsistence free camera so, eh, will probably be alright. Hope they make it so you have pop in and out of menus less.